New 2011 TDC Code
May 04, 2012
IMO has just finalized the Code of Safe Practice for Ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), which replaces the previous edition published in 1991.
What’s it for?
The Code of Safe Practice for Ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes aims to ensure that stowage and cargo securing arrangements for timber deck cargoes enable a safe and rational securing of the cargo so that it is prevented from shifting. It is non-mandatory and applies to all ships of 24m or more in length carrying a timber deck cargo.
The TDC Code was first developed by IMO in 1972, and then amended in 1978. It was then revised by IMO resolution A.715(17) in 1991 and published as the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 1991. The revision was to address a continuing occurrence of casualties involving shift and loss of timber deck cargoes, the employment of larger and more sophisticated ships in this trade, the introduction of new techniques, and a desire to have more comprehensive safety recommendations in carrying timber deck cargoes.
What has changed?
The 2011 TDC Code was adopted by resolution A.1048(27) in November 2011. It revises and amends the previous edition in order to reflect the capability of today's ships and the equipment available on board, and to consider possible future capabilities. It also includes alternative design principles, taking into account the acceleration forces timber deck cargo may be subjected to throughout the voyage.
When is it available?
The English 2011 TDC Code is expected in May 2012, with French and Spanish translations to follow.
Update: The English, Spanish, and French versions of the 2011 TDC Code all are now available.