Get Your Copy of MARPOL Consolidated Edition, 2017
September 23, 2019The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MARPOL Convention) is now available for purchase.
What’s it for?
The latest edition of the major IMO convention dealing with the conservation of the marine environment. The main technical content has been arranged in six Annexes. Note that the five of them, for example, Annexes I (oil pollution prevention) to V (garbage pollution prevention) were adopted in 1973. The sixth Annex was adopted by a protocol which followed in 1997 covering the air pollution prevention.
Why is it needed?
In general, all annexes together cover the pollution prevention in the marine environment by oil, by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk (NLS), by harmful substances carried in packaged form, by sewage and garbage from ships and air pollution. The 2017 consolidated edition aims to provide an easy and comprehensive reference to the up-to-date provisions and Unified Interpretations of the Articles, Protocols and Annexes of the MARPOL Convention, including the incorporation of all the amendments that have been adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
Who does the MARPOL Consolidated Edition apply to?
All ships flagged under countries that are signatories to MARPOL are subject to its requirements, regardless of where they sail.
Who needs to have the MARPOL Consolidated Edition?
It is a must-have publication for the port state control officers and marine surveyors checking the vessel for compliance with the requirements of convention, for the crew members responsible for keeping the vessel compliant and for the ship designers and builders who shall have clear understanding of the convention in order to design a vessel that would meet all applicable requirements.
Where can you find it?
Contact us here at American Nautical Services to receive your copy of the MARPOL Consolidated Edition, 2017 or you can order it online with us.