World Maritime Day 2018

"The mission of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a United Nations specialized agency is to promote safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping through cooperation. This will be accomplished by adopting the highest practicable standards of maritime safety and security, efficiency of navigation and prevention and control of pollution from ships, as well as through consideration of the related legal matters and effective implementation of IMO’s instruments with a view to their universal and uniform application."

World Maritime Day 2018 | This Year’s Theme and Purpose

“IMO 70: Our Heritage – Better Shipping for a Better Future” is the theme for 2018’s World of Maritime Day. International Maritime Organization celebrates the 70th year of establishing the organization. As the global-setting authority for the safe and secure international shipping, this year, the IMO is celebrating their heritage – to fortify and sustain the contribution to maritime transport and persistent growth for all.

Activities and Events

As the IMO marks their 70 years since the Convention was adopted, they arranged activities and events to celebrate and welcome the future.

Events will include:

  1. March 6, 2018 – an observance to mark the date when the IMO convention was held at IMO Headquarters.
  2. May 15, 2018 – a high level assembly will be held at the IMO Headquarters to discuss the Organization’s history, the role within the global trade in a constantly changing world and its future challenges.
  3. June 25, 2018 – the annual Day of the Seafarer
  4. Late September 2018 – World Maritime Day celebrated at IMO Headquarters and around the world
  5. During 2018 – in conjunction with the International Congress of Maritime Museums a traveling demonstration will tour associated maritime museums.
  6. During 2018 – a photography competition will be held.

(Further notice about these events will be made available in due progress)

IMO Secretary-General’s Message

“…IMO’s greatest achievement has been to create a level playing field, through global regulations uniformly implemented, so that ship operators cannot simply cut corners. This approach also encourages innovation and efficiency.

IMO’s heritage for 70 years has been to drive improvements in shipping to achieve a better world today. Our challenge for the years to come remains – to work in collaboration with all stakeholders to create better shipping – for a better future.” – IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim

Get Involved

The World Maritime Day parallel event will be hosted by the Government of the Republic of Poland in June 2018.

You can get involved by:

  1. Attending the above mentioned events
  2. Take tours of the participating maritime museums
  3. Be a part of the photography contest
  4. Establish awareness and promote the 2018 World Maritime Day theme on social media by using the hashtag #IMO70

Learn more about IMO and World Maritime Day 2018.