Cumulative List of Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NP234A), January 2025 Edition

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Chart numbers refer to navigational charts in the Admiralty series, including adopted Australian, New Zealand and Japanese charts (indicated by the prefixes AUS, NZ, and JP respectively).

The edition date quoted indicates the month and year of publication of the current edition; that publication may have been in the form of a new chart or a new edition (the relevant date is given in the bottom outside margin of the chart). A chart carrying an earlier edition date that quoted in this list is no longer valid and should be replaced. Newly published New Charts and New Editions are not included in this list until publication is announced in the Weekly Editions of Admiralty Notices to Mariners. With the exception of adopted Australian, New Zealand and Japanese charts, the announcement date coincides with the edition date printed on the chart. The edition date for adopted Australian, New Zealand and Japanese charts indicates the date of publication by the producer nation and not the date of adoption by the UK Hydrographic Office.

In addition to paper format, this publication is available as ADMIRALTY a e-Nautical Publication (AENP). AENPs bring improved efficiency, accuracy and access to information bridge crews need through electronic updating and simple search functionality. (Please Note: Admiralty e-NPs are not downloaded directly from the site. All e-NPs need to be assigned once it has been purchased.)

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