Written as a source of reference for marine and offshore professionals, the FPSO Handbook describes marine equipment, oil and gas processing arrangements, and legislation relating to the marine and offshore industries.
This book will also be of value to those involved in the design, construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of FPSOs, whether they are based onshore or offshore.
1 The Hull
1.1 The Concept
1.2 Construction
1.2.1 The Hull
1.2.2 Topsides
1.3 Confirmation of Design
1.4 Conversion Versus Newbuild
1.5 Hull Layout and Regulations
1.5.1 Topside Layout
1.5.2 Hull Layout
1.5.3 SOLAS Regulations
2 Gathering Systems
2.1 Mooring Systems
2.1.1 Mooring Arrangements
2.1.2 Mooring Design
2.1.3 Mooring Components
2.1.4 Installing the mooring system
2.1.5 Planned Maintenance and Inspection
2.2 Fluid Transfer Systems.
2.2.1 Turrets and Swivels
2.2.2 CALM Buoy
2.3 Pipeline Systems and Risers
2.3.1 Pipeline Systems
2.3.2 Environmental Considerations
2.3.3 Risers
2.3.4 Flexible Pipes
3 Regulations
3.1 Regulations – Statutory Legislation
3.1.1 Section One - Statutory Regulations
3.2 Regulations – Ship Classification
3.2.1 Class
3.2.2 Surveys
3.3 Regulations – Offshore Legislation
3.3.1 Certification
3.3.2 Verification – Overview
3.3.3 Verification Schemes
3.3.4 The Verification process
3.3.5 Summary of applicable Legislation
4 FPSO Personnel and Training
4.1 Personnel
4.1.1 Offshore Installation Manager (OIM)
4.1.2 Production Superintendent (FPSO)
4.1.3 Control Room Operator (CRO)
4.1.4 Medic/Safety Officer
4.1.5 Electrician
4.1.6 Production (Process) Operators/Technicians
4.1.7 Deck Foreman
4.1.8 Marine Superintendent
4.1.9 Marine Supervisor/Operator/Technician
4.1.10 Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO)
4.1.11 Instrument Technician
4.1.12 Maintenance Superintendent
4.1.13 Maintenance Technician
4.1.14 Technical Clerk
4.1.15 Chemist
4.2 Training Requirements
5. Cargo Handling Systems
5.1 Cargo Handling Systems - Cargo and Ballast Systems
5.1.1 Crude Oil storage
5.1.2 Crude oil Loading and discharge arrangements
5.1.3 Ballast water system
5.1.4 Crude oil washing (COW)
5.1.5 Slop Tanks
5.2 Cargo tank vent and inert gas systems
5.2.1 Flare and vent system
5.2.2 Cargo Tank Vent and Pressure Relieving Systems
5.2.3 Inert Gas Systems
6. Oil and Gas Production
6.1 Oil and Gas Production
6.1.1 Oil Production
6.1.2 Produced Water System
6.1.3 Gas Production
6.1.4 Chemical Injection
6.1.5 Additional Processing Arrangements
6.2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and the Oil Drive Mechanism
6.2.1 The Oil Drive Mechanism
6.2.2 EOR Techniques
6.2.3 Minox De-Oxygenation System
7. Pumping and Piping Systems
7.1 Pumping and Piping Systems
7.1.1 Marine Systems
7.1.2 Utility Systems
7.1.3 Construction of Piping Systems
7.1.4 Piping Systems and Pressure Vessel Design
8. Machinery, Equipment and Safety Systems
8.1 Safety and Emergency Systems
8.1.1 Machinery and Electrical Installations
8.1.2 Emergency Support Systems
8.2 Emergency Support Systems (ESS)
8.2.1 Emergency Shutdown System (ESD)
8.2.2 Process ESD Valves
8.2.3 Gas Detection
8.2.4 Fire Detection
8.2.5 Containment Systems
8.2.6 Fire Loop
8.2.7 Emergency Shutdown Valves – Pipelines
8.2.8 Guidance Notes and Reference Standards
8.3 Process and Marine Machinery
8.3.1 Process Machinery
8.3.2 Marine Machinery
9. Hazardous Areas, Ventilation and Hazardous Area Equipment
9.1 Hazardous Areas and their Determination
9.1.1 Hazardous Areas
9.1.2 Determination of Hazardous Areas
9.1.3 Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Spaces
9.1.4 Hazardous Enclosed Spaces Located in Safe Areas
9.1.5 Hazardous Enclosed Spaces Located in Hazardous Areas
9.1.6 Access to Hazardous Areas from Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Non-Hazardous Areas
9.2 Ventilation Systems and Machinery in Hazardous Areas
9.2.1 Ventilation Systems
9.2.2 Ventilation of Gas Turbine Powered Enclosures
9.2.3 Machinery in Hazardous Areas
9.3 Hazardous Area Equipment
9.3.1 Selection of Equipment
9.3.2 Equipment Protection
9.3.3 Certification and Marking
9.3.4 Commissioning, Inspection, Maintenance, Testing and Repair of Electrical Equipment
9.3.5 Records
9.3.6 Alternative Equipment Testing Authorities
9.3.7 Guidance Notes and Reference Standards
10. Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction
10.1 Application, Basic Principles and Definitions
10.1.1 Application
10.1.2 Basic Principles
10.1.3 Definitions
10.2 Active Fire-Fighting Systems
10.2.1 Fire Control Plans
10.2.2 Fire and Gas Detection
10.2.3 Fire Main
10.2.4 Fire Pumps
10.3 Fire Tests and Material Certification
10.3.1 Passive Fire Protection
10.3.2 Fire Tests and Fire Divisions – Designations
10.3.3 New Developments
10.4 Construction and Passive Fire Protection Measures
10.4.1 Location and Separation of Spaces
10.4.2 Structural Arrangements
10.4.3 Requirements for Helicopter Facilities10.4.4 Fire Integrity of Bulkheads and Decks
10.4.5 Means of Escape
10.4.6 Ventilation Systems
10.4.7 Penetrations in Fire-Resisting Divisions
10.4.8 Restricted Use of Combustible Materials
10.4.9 Furniture and Furnishings
10.5 Fixed Fire-Fighting Systems
10.5.1 Fixed Fire-Fighting Systems – Machinery Spaces
10.5.2 Fixed Foam Systems
10.5.3 Fixed Gas Fire-Extinguishing Systems
10.5.4 Fixed Water Spray Systems
10.5.5 Fixed Deck Foam Systems – Cargo Tank Protection
10.5.6 Deluge Systems
10.5.7 Paint Lockers
10.5.8 Accommodation Sprinkler Systems
10.6 Miscellaneous Fire-Fighting Items
10.6.1 Portable Extinguishers
10.6.2 Portable Appliances
10.6.3 Remote Stops and Closing Devices
10.6.4 Fire Drills
10.6.5 Firemen’s Outfits
10.6.6 Provision, Maintenance and Availability of Equipment
10.6.7 Guidance Notes and Standards
11. Lifesaving Appliances and Arrangements
11.1 Regulatory Requirements
11.1.1 Application and Exemptions
11.1.2 General
11.1.3 Evaluation, Testing and Approval of Lifesaving Appliances and Arrangements
11.1.4 Manufacture and Certification
11.1.5 Survey and Examination
11.1.6 Lifesaving Appliance (lSA) Plan
11.1.7 Temporary Refuge and Means of Escape
11.2 Communications
11.2.1 Public Address System and Emergency Alarm System
11.2.2 Communications
11.2.3 Distress Signals
11.3 Personal Lifesaving Appliances
11.3.1 Lifebuoys
11.3.2 Lifejackets
11.3.3 Immersion Suits and Anti-Exposure Suits
11.3.4 Grab Bags
11.4 Survival Craft
11.4.1 General Requirements
11.4.2 Requirements for Fully Enclosed Lifeboats
11.4.3 Liferafts
11.4.4 Rescue Boats
11.5 Training, Inspections, Maintenance and Drills
11.5.1 Operational Readiness and Inspections
11.5.2 Emergency Training and Drills
11.5.3 Abandon Ship Drill
11.5.4 Training Manual and Onboard Training Aids
11.5.5 Maintenance and Inspections
12. Standby Vessels (SBVs) and the Safety and Response Equipment they are Fitted with
12.1 The Ships
12.2 The Equipment
12.2.1 Fast Rescue Craft (FRCs)
12.2.2 Daughter Craft
12.2.3 FRC Davits
12.2.4 Power Assisted Recovery Method
12.2.5 Rescue Basket
12.2.6 Line Throwing Apparatus and Lifebuoys
12.2.7 Helicopter Winching Areas
12.2.8 Protective Spray System
12.2.9 Survivors’ Facilities
12.3 Communications
12.3.1 Air Communications
12.4 Responsibilities
12.4.1 The Master
12.4.2 The Offshore Installation Manager (OIM)
12.4.3 The ERRV Operator and the Operator of the Installation
12.5 The Crews
12.5.1 Manning
12.6 The Training
12.6.1 Initial Training in Shipboard Operations
12.6.2 Advanced Medical Aid (AMA)
12.6.3 CAA Certificate
12.6.4 FRC Boatman’s Course
12.6.5 FRC Coxswain (cox’n)
12.6.6 Onboard Training and Exercises
12.7 The Tasks
12.7.1 Man Overboard (MOB)
12.7.2 Helicopter Ditching
12.7.3 Installation Escape to the Sea
12.8 Operations
12.8.1 The State of the Equipment
12.8.2 The State of the Weather
12.9 Additional Duties
12.9.1 Guard Vessel
12.9.2 Fishing Boats
12.9.3 Pollution Control
12.10 Operation Jigsaw
Appendix I Contents of the consolidated text of the Annex to the 1974 SOLAS Convention
Appendix II Contents of the International Life‑Saving Appliance Code
Appendix III Contents of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
Title: FPSO Handbook
Number of Pages: 266
Product Code: WS1035K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-905331-57-4 (9781905331574), ISBN 10: 1-905331-57-6 (1905331576)
Published Date: August 2009
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 280 mm
Book Width: 160 mm
Book Spine: 10 mm
Weight: 0.80 kg
Author: Angus Mather