Oil Pollution in Ice Covered Waters (eBook)

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This eBook covers a number of oil spill response topics relevant to mariners trading in ice-covered waters:

• Arctic incidents and overall spill trends from vessels

• Spill scenarios incorporating:

○ Spill sources

○ Oil types and properties

○ Ice conditions

• Response options

• International agreements and regulations incorporating:

○ Environmental guidelines and codes

○ Liabilities and conventions

• Selected information resources and links


1.1 Introduction and Overview

1.2 Incidents and Accidents in Ice-covered Waters

1.3 Spill Scenarios

1.3.1 Oil Type

1.3.2 Spill Sources

1.4 Oil in Ice Behaviour

1.4.1 Oil Spreading

1.4.2 Seasonal Interactions

1.5 Detection and Spill Surveillance

1.6 Oil Recovery and Removal

1.6.1 Challenges and Opportunities in Arctic Spill Response

1.6.2 Mechanical Recovery

1.6.3 In situ Burning

1.6.4 Dispersants in ice

1.6.5 Spill Response Effectiveness

1.7 International Agreements and Regulations

1.7.1 International Agreements

1.7.2 Liabilities and Conventions

1.7.3 Regional Spill Response Organization

1.7.4 Future Arctic Pollution Prevention Regulations

1.8 Some Useful Resources

1.9 Selected References: Arctic Oil Spills


Title: Oil Pollution in Ice Covered Waters (eBook)
Product Code: WS1266EA
Published Date: August 2010