The Shipmaster’s Security Manual aims to clarify the existing framework of guidelines and point out areas where a Ship Master’s attention is particularly required to mitigate risks to the ship, its crew or its successful operations. Preventive measures against these risks are not however restricted to actions to be taken by the ship’s officers and crew. Ship owners and operators can actively motivate their seafarers to mitigate risks through the adaption of company policies and training within each of the specific areas.
Global Counter Piracy Guidance
Protection against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Use of armed guards
Rules for the use of force
Construction and use of citadels
IMB piracy reporting
Humanitarian support to seafarers
Cyber Security
Guidelines on cyber security
Cyber security on board ships poster
Guidelines for prevention of drug smuggling
Guidance on control and compliance measures to enhance maritime security ISPS clause
Stowaway prevention
Allocation of responsibilities in stowaway cases
Stowaway clause
Migration by sea
Guidelines on migrant rescue
Principles and practises for managing migrants and refugees
The world economy and international trade are dependent on transportation by sea, with the shipping industry handling about 90% of the volume of global trade. The BIMCO Shipmaster’s Security Manual is dedicated to helping members protect their crews, ships and operations against the challenges posed by pirates, cyber criminals, drug smugglers, stowaways, terrorists and migrants. The manual also provides guidance on the comprehensive regulatory framework that exists in the security field.
There are six chapters entitled Piracy, Cyber Security, Smuggling, SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code, Stowaways and Mass Mixed Migration by Sea. These chapters contain guidance on how to best manage security incidents and which mitigating measures can be implemented to reduce the risk of such incidents occurring.
For the sake of clarity and where possible, the various guidelines have been printed in their original format and included as annexes, eg as Maritime Safety Committee Circulars. The annexes constitute an important part of the manual and should be read in their entirety. Very bulky official guidelines, such as the ISPS Code or SOLAS, have not been included because these are expected to be onboard most ships.
The Shipmaster’s Security Manual is not intended to constitute a complete set of procedures. Rather, it aims to clarify the existing framework of guidelines and highlight areas, where a ship’s master must pay attention so as to mitigate risks to the ship, the crew and/or safe operations. These preventive measures are also applicable to ship owners and operators, who can actively motivate their seafarers to mitigate risks through the adoption of company policies and training within each of the specific areas.
An integral part of the due diligence process is to carry out a risk assessment of the activities of the ship under given threat scenarios and apply the necessary defensive measures to prevent or mitigate the threat. A risk assessment can only be carried out successfully if the actual threat to the ship and the ship’s vulnerabilities are assessed, which is not an easy task. To aid members in their due diligence process, BIMCO recommends that a full security risk assessment should be conducted prior to any transit.
Title: Shipmasters Security Manual 2019
Number of Pages: 460
Published Date: February 2019
Binding Format: Hardback
Author: BIMCO