This card provides an instant point of reference when checking steering equipment, setting out in clearly marked sections the frequency and nature of checks to be performed. The laminated, wipe-clean finish makes it easy to update the card each time the checks are completed.
This new edition has been updated to reflect the guidance contained within the ICS Bridge Procedures Guide, 6th Edition.
Regular testing of ship’s steering gear is an international requirement and ICS encourages the effective implementation of routine tests. This card prompts the operator on the checks to be conducted so that nothing is overlooked. The card is divided into the following sections:
- Every watch/after prolonged use of autopilot
- before entering coastal or congested waters
- before departure (no more than 12 hours prior to departure)
- emergency steering drills
- checks and tests
- changeover procedures.
Every watch/after prolonged use of autopilot
Before entering coastal or congested waters
Before departure (no more than 12 hours prior to departure)
Emergency steering drills
Checks and tests
Changeover procedures.