Since it was first published in 1962, The Theory and Practice of Seamanship has been continuously revised. This latest, 11th Edition includes an updated section on 'Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea' as well as a new introduction.
'The author has written a book which will appeal immediately not only to apprentices and cadets but also to seasoned marimers. Here is the knowledge, apart from that which is gained by years of pacing a ship's deck, which is necessary to handle a vessel at sea. Because of its scope and because it contains almost every conceivable piece of information that a seaman could want, it is cheap at the price.'
'The author has written a book which will appeal immediately not only to apprentices and cadets but also to seasoned marimers. Here is the knowledge, apart from that which is gained by years of pacing a ship's deck, which is necessary to handle a vessel at sea. Because of its scope and because it contains almost every conceivable piece of information that a seaman could want, it is cheap at the price.'