New Ships' Routeing 2015 edition published by IMO

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) published Ships' Routeing 2015 edition and is now available. Ships' Routeing 2015 edition renders obsolete its previous 2013 edition.

What's it for?

Ships' Routeing establishes an international and mandatory systematic way for ships to follow predetermined routes to avoid hazards to navigation at sea. Navigation hazards include but not limited to risk of collision with traffic in areas of high transit volume, shallow water areas, and areas where certain ships have potential to damage the marine environment and ecology. Ships' Routeing seeks to establish routeing systems that will avoid these navigation hazards.

Why is it needed?

In accordance with regulation 10.2 of the revised chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (1974 SOLAS Convention), IMO is recognized as the only international body for establishing and adopting measures on an international level concerning routeing and areas to be avoided by ships or certain classes of ships. Ships' Routing 2015 edition supersedes all previous routeing measures adopted by IMO up to and including the ninety-fifth session (June 2015) of the Maritime Safety Committee and the twenty-eighth session (December 2013) of IMO Assembly.

Who should have Ships' Routeing?

Ships' Routeing is intended primarily for Administrations responsible for planning and supporting routeing systems for use by international shipping. A Government intending to establish a new or amended routeing system should be guided by this publication and follow all recommended consultative procedures to ensure that a proposed system will comply with the relevant General Provisions on Ship's Routeing in part A and with part H.

Where you can find it?

Ships' Routeing 2015 edition is now available at American Nautical Services and can be purchased through our website.