Collection: 49 CFR: Transportation

49 CFR

Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 49) records rules and regulations governing transportation in the United States. The CFR contains policies and procedures that make up administrative law for departments and agencies of the U.S. federal government.

CFR 49 is made up of 9 volumes, which encompass 12 chapters and 1699 parts.

Volume 1 is administered by the Office of the Secretary of Transportation and includes parts 1 - 99.

Volume 2 is administered by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation. It includes Chapter I, parts 100 - 177.

Volume 3 is administered by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation. It includes Chapter I, parts 178 - 199.

Volume 4 is administered by the Federal Railroad Administration and the Department of Transportation. It includes Chapter II, parts 200 - 299.

Volume 5 is administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation. It includes Chapter III, parts 300 - 399.

Volume 6 contains Chapter IV, parts 400 - 499, which are administered by the Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security and Chapter V, parts 500 - 571, which are administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation.

Volume 7 contains Chapter V, parts 572 - 599, which is administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation, Chapter VI, parts 600 - 699, which are administered by the Federal Transit Administration and the Department of Transportation, Chapter VII, parts 700 - 799, which are administered by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and Chapter VIII, parts 800 - 999, which are administered by the National Transportation Safety Board.

Volume 8 contains Chapter X, parts 1,000 - 1,199, which are administered by the Surface Transportation Board and the Department of Transportation.

Volume 9 contains Chapter X, parts 1,200 - 1,399, which are administered by the Surface Transportation Board and the Department of Transportation, Chapter XI, parts 1,400 - 1,499, which are administered by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration and the Department of Transportation and Chapter XII, parts 1,500 - 1,699, which are administered by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

3 of 11 products
Mancomm 49 CFR: Transportation, Parts 100-185 (US Hazmat Regs), October 2024
From $69.95
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CFR Title 49: Parts 1-99 – Transportation (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
From $24.95
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CFR Title 49 Complete Set (Volumes 1-9): Parts 1-End – Transportation (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
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