CFR Title 47: Parts 20-39 - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
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This book contains parts 20 to 39, Chapter I Federal Communications Commission.
Title 47—Telecommunication is composed of five volumes. The parts in these volumes are arranged in the following order: Parts 0–19, parts 20–39, parts 40– 69, parts 70–79, and part 80 to end. All five volumes contain chapter I—Federal Communications Commission. The last volume, part 80 to end, also includes chapter II—Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security Council, chapter III—National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, and chapter IV—National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations codified under this title of the CFR as of October 1, 2018.
Table of Contents
Title 47:
Chapter I—Federal Communications Commission (Continued)
Finding Aids:
Table of CFR Titles and Chapters
Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR
Table of OMB Control Numbers
List of CFR Sections Affected
Part Page
20 Commercial mobile services
22 Public mobile services
24 Personal communications services
25 Satellite communications
27 Miscellaneous wireless communications services
32 Uniform system of accounts for telecommunications companies
36 Jurisdictional separations procedures; standard procedures for separating telecommunications
property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes and reserves for telecommunications companies
37–39 [Reserved]
SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS: Annual Reports of the Federal Communications Commission to
Federal Communications Commission Reports of Orders and Decisions.
Communications Act of 1934 (with amendments and index thereto), Recap. Version, January 1974,
Packets No. 1 through 6.
Study Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Examinations, May 1979 edition.