This book is for personnel involved in the repair, maintenance and classification of ocean-going merchant ships, including shipyard project managers, marine superintendents and Classification Society surveyors. It will also interest younger engineers embarking on a career in ship surveying, and students of naval architecture and related disciplines with an interest in ship operations.
This publication takes a rigorous and structured approach to the subject, using discussion of changing regulation to describe and analyse a set of underpinning principles and techniques.
CHAPTER 1 CorrosionofMetalStructures
1.1 A Brief Description of Corrosion Mechanisms
1.2 Types of Corrosion
1.2.1 Uniform or general corrosion
1.2.2 Pitting corrosion
1.2.3 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
1.2.4 Cavitation erosion - impingement attack
1.2.5 Bacterial corrosion
1.3 Factors that Influence Corrosion
1.3.1 Corrosion and the environment
1.3.2 Corrosion mechanisms in marine structures
1.4 Shipbuilding Materials and their Properties
1.4.1 Steel
1.4.2 Aluminium
1.4.3 Copper
1.4.4 Brass
1.4.5 Copper alloys without zinc
1.4.6 Stainless steels
1.5 Design Against Corrosion
1.6 The Effects of Corrosion on Ships at a Global Scale
CHAPTER 2 Fatigue; A Hidden Enemy ofShip Structures
2.2 Fatigue in the Marine Environment
2.3 Factors that Contribute to Fatigue
2.3.1 Loads
2.3.2 Environmental factors
2.3.3 Factors related to materials and fabrication
2.4 The Mathematical Analysis of Fatigue
2.4.1 Classical approach using S-N curves
2.4.2 Fracture mechanics approach to crack initiation
2.4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of fatigue analysis methods
2.5 Fatigue in Ship Structures 2
3.1 Loads Acting
on Ship Structures
3.1.1 Classification of loads
3.1.2 Design loads for primary bending strength
3.1.3 Local buckling effects
3.2 The Behaviour of Metals
3.3 The Response of Structural Components Subjected to Compressive Loading
3.3.1 Columns and beam-columns
3.3.2 Flat and stiffened panels
3.4 Two Cases of Hull Girder Failure
3.4.1 Collapse and sinking of a small tanker following longitudinal failure
3.4.2 The loss of a bulk carrier due to overall transverse collapse of the hull girder
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mechanisms of Crack Growth in Metals
4.2.1 Slip, plastic deformations and dislocations
4.2.2 Ductile transgranular fractures by microvoid coalescence
4.2.3 Transgranular brittle fracture (cleavage)
4.2.4 Transgranular fatigue cracks
4.2.5 Intergranular fracture
4.2.6 Sustained load fractures
4.2.7 Fatigue cracks
4.3 Fractures in Ship Structures: General Aspects
4.3.1 Brittle fractures
4.3.2 Ductile fractures and other failures in general cargo vessels
4.3.3 Measures for the avoidance of fatigue cracks
4.3.4 The repair of fractures
5.1 Introduction and Overview
5.1.1 Statistical information
5.1.2 Regions of the structure that are prone to frequent damage
5.2 Causes of Damage to Bulk Carriers
5.2.1 The influence of corrosion
5.2.2 Cracks in bulk carrier structures. Some general observations
5.2.3 Other causes of damage. Observations regarding corrosion and fatigue
5.3 Damage in Various Parts of the Structure
5.3.1 Strength deck
5.3.2 Damage to cargo holds
5.3.3 Local design of stiffeners at snip ends. Fatigue strength
6.1 General
6.2 Corrosion in Oil Tanker Structures
6.2.1 Water ballast tanks
6.2.2 Cargo/clean ballast tanks
6.2.3 Cargo/dirty ballast tanks
6.2.4 Cargo tanks 95
6.3 Integrity of the Structure
Wear and Corrosion
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Tank bottom structures
6.3.3 Side shell, longitudinal and transverse bulkheads
6.3.4 Strength deck
6.3.5 Corrosion in various parts of tanker structures
6.3.6 Examples
6.4 Fractures and Related Failures in Tanker Structures
6.4.1 Fatigue fractures
6.4.2 Brittle fractures in tankers
6.5 Buckling Collapse in Tanker Structures
6.5.1 Buckling of the strength deck of a 100,000 dwt ton tanker
6.5.2 Hull girder collapse of the VLCC Energy Concentration
7.1 Introduction
Purpose and Types of Hull Structure Surveys
7.2 Owner's Surveys
7.2.1 Surveys conducted on behalf of insurers
7.2.2 On-hire surveys
7.2.3 Off-hire surveys
7.2.4 Sale and purchase survey and general condition survey
7.2.5 Damage surveys
7.2.6 Hull structure life extension schemes
7.3 Statutory Surveys
7.3.1 Annual Hull and Machinery Surveys
7.3.2 Intermediate Surveys
7.3.3 Dry-docking Surveys
7.3.4 Hull Special Surveys
7.3.5 Special Surveys of machinery equipment
7.3.6 Boiler Surveys
7.3.7 Tail-shaft Surveys
7.4 Assessment of Survey Data
7.4.1 Assessment method
7.4.2 Integrity of the structure
7.4.3 Acceptance criteria
7.5 The Effect of Corrosion Inspection, Evaluation and Prediction
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Background to corrosion surveys on board ships
7.5.3 Corrosion data requirements
7.5.4 Corrosion rate prediction and survey techniques
7.5.5 Thickness measurement using ultrasound techniques
7.6 The Practical Investigation of Fractures in Ship Structures
7.6.1 Preparations for a fracture inspection
7.6.2 The fracture inspection
7.6.3 Circumstances at the time of fracture
7.6.4 Causes of large (brittle) fractures
7.7 Local Buckling in Structural Members
7.8 Effectiveness of Hull Structure Inspections
7.8.1 Scope of the problem
7.8.2 The Probability of Detection (POD) as a measure of inspection effectiveness
7.8.3 Factors affecting inspector performance
7.8.4 A realistic scenario
CHAPTER 8 Surveys and Maintenance of Bulk Carrier Structures
8.1 Introduction.
The Requirements of International
Organisations for Bulk Carrier Surveys
8.2 Survey Requirements for Bulk Carrier Structures
8.3 Technical Background of Surveys
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Nomenclature
8.3.3 Structural damages and deterioration
8.4 Preparation and Execution of Surveys
8.4.1 The survey programme
8.4.2 Principles for planning document
8.4.3 Conditions for survey
8.4.4 Access arrangement and safety
8.4.5 Equipment and tools
8.4.6 Survey at sea or at anchorage
8.4.7 Documentation onboard
8.5 Prevention of Accidents by Owners and Crew
8.5.1 Company practice
8.5.2 Practice onboard vessel
8.5.3 Maintenance of hull structure by crew
8.5.4 Ship operations in port (loading/discharging)
8.5.5 Ship operations (at sea)
8.5.6 Detection of damage
CHAPTER 9 Surveys of the Hull Structure of Oil Tankers
9.1 Introduction.
Class and Statutory Requirements
9.2 Vessel Geometry and Nomenclature
9.2.1 Conventional (single skin) oil tankers
9.2.2 Double skin tankers
9.3 Technical Background for Surveys
9.3.1 Structural defects
9.3.2 Critical areas in double hull tankers
9.4 Safety and Access
9.4.1 Safety during surveys
9.4.2 Access to the structure
9.4.3 Access methods for the structure of double skin tankers
9.5 Forms and Procedures for Collection and Reporting
9.5.1 Examples of the IACS Unified Requirements
9.5.2 Planning Booklet for the IACS Enhanced Special Survey
9.5.3 General Condition Survey
9.5.4 Detailed Condition Survey
CHAPTER 10 Maintenance Planning. The Use of Protective Coating sand Cathodic Protection
10.1 Basic Concepts of Maintenance Planning
10.1.1 Background
10.1.2 Maintenance of ship structures
10.1.3 Repairs
10.2 Protection of the Hull Structure Using Coatings and Surface Preparation
10.2.1 Preparation methods for metal surfaces
10.2.2 Surface roughness and steel surface preparation
10.2.3 Preparation of aluminium surfaces
10.3 Anticorrosive Coatings
10.3.1 Protection requirements for the various parts of hull structures 21310.3.2 Primers for steel structures
10.4 Antifouling Paints
10.4.1 Action of antifouling paints
10.4.2 Basic types of antifouling paints
10.4.3 Recent legislation concerning the use of organic-metallic antifouling paints
10.5 Classification of Coatings on the Basis of the Binder Used
10.5.1 Paints that have dry oils as a base
10.5.2 Bituminous paints
10.5.3 Alkyd resin paints
10.5.4 Chlorinated rubber (CR) paints
10.5.5 Vinyl paints
10.5.6 Epoxy paints
10.5.7 Coal tar epoxy paints
10.5.8 Polyurethane paints
10.5.9 Polyurethane tar paints
10.5.10 Unsaturated polyester resin coatings
10.5.11 Zinc silicate paints
10.5.12 Silicon resin paints
10.6 Coating Application Techniques
10.6.1 Use of brush and roller
10.6.2 Spraying
10.6.3 Conditions of application of protective coatings
10.7 Film Thickness
10.7.1 Measurement of film thickness
10.7.2 Distribution of membrane thickness
10.7.3 Wet and dry film thickness
10.7.4 Mean film thickness and paint consumption
10.8 Identification of Critical Regions of Hull Structures Due to Corrosion
10.8.1 Anticorrosive coatings in water ballast tanks
10.8.2 Condition of existing ships using corrosion as a criterion
10.8.3 The condition of protective coatings onboard existing ships
10.9 Types of Damage to Protective Coatings
10.9.1 Environmental factors
10.9.2 Damage related to material properties and coating application
10.9.3 Damage due to poor workmanship
10.10 Prediction of the Condition of a Protective Coating Within Water Ballast Tanks
10.11 Coating of a Medium Sized Bulk Carrier During Dry-Docking
10.12 Cathodic Protection of the Hull Structure
10.12.1 The effect of the properties of seawater
10.12.2 Aeration and oxygen content
10.12.3 Effect of variations in temperature and oxygen content
10.12.4 Effect of material and protective coating properties
10.13 Cathodic Protection Below the Waterline
10.13.1 Calculation of the required protection current density
10.13.2 Hull protection using galvanic anodes
10.13.3 Protection using impressed current systems
10.14 Cathodic Protection of Other Regions of the Hull Structure
10.14.1 Interior surfaces of tanks
10.14.2 Bilges
10.14.3 Floating docks
CHAPTER 11 Condition Evaluation and Repair Planning Using a Database Approach
11.1 Data Acquisition
11.1.1 Planning of corrosion surveys and hull structure inspections
11.1.2 Preparations for safety and access during inspections
11.1.3 Instrumentation
11.2 General Requirements of a Ship Structure Database
11.2.1 Data entry
11.2.2 Data types and codes for their classification
11.2.3 Documentation of corrosion parameters
11.3 Repair Planning Using Engineering Economy Calculations
11.3.1 Time value of money. Methods of evaluation and project assessment
11.4 Examples of Use of the Hullcon Database
11.4.1 Condition assessment and evaluation of bulk carrier structures
11.4.2 Repair/maintenance strategic planning for an oil tanker
11.5 Conclusions and Recommendations
Title: Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Ship Structures, 2nd Edition
Number of Pages: 326
Product Code: 4394
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-905331-37-6 (9781905331376), ISBN 10: 1-905331-37-1 (1905331371)
Published Date: February 2009
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 290 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Book Spine: 20 mm
Weight: 1.30 kg
Author: Piero Caridis