ITU Rules of Procedure: Approved by the Radio Regulations Board, 2021 Edition
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For the application, by the Radiocommunication Bureau, of the provisions of the Radio Regulations, Regional Agreements, Resolutions and Recommendations of World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences
The Rules of Procedure are applied by the Radiocommunication Bureau and complement the Radio Regulations (RR) by providing clarification of the application of particular Regulations or establishing the necessary practical procedures that may not be provided for in the current Regulatory Provisions. This document incorporates the results of a comprehensive review and revision of the Rules of Procedure by the Radio Regulations Board (RRB) subsequent to WRC-19. The Rules contained in the present document thus replace and supersede all formerly published Rules of Procedure. These rules shall be used by administrations and the Radiocommunication Bureau in the application of the Radio Regulations. The Rules of Procedure are presented in three Parts: Part A: the Rules that relate to one or a limited number of Radio Regulatory provisions; Part B: the Rules that relate to a process i.e. a technical examination; Part C: internal arrangements and working methods of the Board. In accordance with provision No. 95 of the Constitution, the Radio Regulations Board has approved the present Rules of Procedure including technical criteria given herein.
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ITU Rules of Procedure: Approved by the Radio Regulations Board, 2021 Edition
ITU Rules of Procedure: Approved by the Radio Regulations Board, 2021 Edition