This Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy sets out principles aimed at ensuring high standards of discipline on board merchant ships and promotes the well-being of the seafarers working on them.
The Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy is a well-established document, setting out principles aimed at ensuring high standards of discipline on board merchant ships and hence promoting the well-being of the seafarers working on them. It is agreed between shipowners and seafarers’ representatives and approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
The code is widely used across the shipping industry – it has been adopted by many employers of seafarers for use on ships registered in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and it may be referred to in Seafarer Employment Agreements. Disciplinary procedures form a key element of following the code and can raise major issues, especially when a seafarer has committed a breach serious enough to warrant dismissal from the ship.
The Code of Conduct has recently undergone a comprehensive revision to ensure that it remained up-to-date and relevant, which in turn led the UK Chamber of Shipping to review and revise its Guide. The recommendations set out are not designed to be definitive but give advice on good practice on how investigations and hearings should be conducted on board.
The sanctions behind the system
The role of the Master
The key paragraphs of the Code
Informal disciplinary procedure at Petty Officer/Junior Officer level
Formal disciplinary procedure
Disciplinary hearing
Records of disciplinary hearings
Record of Warning forms
Official Log Book entries
Formal warning
Written warning
Final warning
Dismissal from the ship
Disciplinary procedures when the seafarer is absent
Failure to join or rejoin
Advanced discharge
Annex 1: Revised Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy
Annex 2: The Merchant Shipping (Official Log Books)
Regulations 1981 as amended by the Merchant Shipping (Official Log Books) (Amendment) Regulations 1991
Annex 3: Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Section 58
Title: Master's Guide to Shipboard Disciplinary Procedures: Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy
Edition: Revised 2014
Number of Pages: 42
Product Code: WS1453K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-643-0 (9781856096430), ISBN 10: 1-85609-643-2 (1856096432)
Published Date: July 2014
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 210 mm
Book Width: 150 mm
Book Spine: 4 mm
Weight: 0.20 kg
Author: UK Chamber of Shipping