Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4), 4th Edition 2018

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Language English
Media Book
Publisher Witherby Seamanship International
ISBN 9781856097710
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Mooring Equipment Guidelines is an industry publication for the safe mooring of tankers and gas carriers at terminals.

The publication provides clear and concise guidance for ship and terminal designers, ship operators and mooring line manufacturers on safe mooring system design, with an emphasis on the safety of ship and terminal personnel.

This fourth edition has been extensively updated and addresses:

  • Lessons learned from incidents, most notably from failures of HMSF mooring lines
  • Human centred mooring designs and human factors in mooring operations
  • New and in-development regulations and guidance from the IMO on the safety of mooring
  • Alternative mooring technologies and how they can be incorporated safely into the design of mooring systems both for ships and terminals



1.1 Vapour Pressure
1.1.1 True Vapour Pressure
1.1.2 Reid Vapour Pressure
1.2 Flammability
1.2.1 General
1.2.2 Flammable Limits
1.2.3 Effect of Inert Gas on Flammability
1.2.4 Tests for Flammability
1.2.5 Flashpoint
1.2.6 Flammability Classification of Petroleum
1.3 Density of Hydrocarbon Gases

2.1 Flammability
2.2 Density
2.3 Toxicity
2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Liquid Petroleum
2.3.3 Petroleum Gases
2.3.4 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
2.3.5 Benzene and Other Aromatic Hydrocarbons
2.3.6 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
2.3.7 Mercaptans
2.3.8 Gasolines Containing Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) or Tetramethyl Lead (TML)
2.3.9 Inert Gas
2.3.10 Oxygen Deficiency
2.4 Gas Measurement
2.4.1 Introduction
2.4.2 Measurement of Hydrocarbon Concentration
2.4.3 Flammable Gas Monitors (Explosimeters)
2.4.4 Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Gas Indicators (Tankscopes)
2.4.5 Inferometer (Refractive Index Meter)
2.4.6 Infra-red (IR) Instruments
2.4.7 Measurement of Low Concentrations of Toxic Gases
2.4.8 Fixed Gas Detection Installations
2.4.9 Measurement of Oxygen Concentrations
2.4.10 Use of Oxygen Analysers
2.4.11 Multi-gas Instruments
2.4.12 Personal Gas Monitors
2.4.13 Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Procedures
2.5 Hydrocarbon Gas Evolution and Dispersion
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Gas Evolution and Venting
2.5.3 Gas Dispersion
2.5.4 Variables Affecting Dispersion
2.5.5 Minimising Hazards from Vented Gas
2.5.6 Loading Very High Vapour Pressure Cargoes
2.6 Pyrophoric Iron Sulphide
2.6.1 Pyrophoric Oxidation
2.6.2 Formation of Pyrophors
2.6.3 Prevention of Pyrophoric Ignition in Inerted Cargo Tanks
2.7 The Hazards Associated with the Handling, Storage and Carriage of Residual Fuel Oils
2.7.1 General
2.7.2 Nature of Hazard
2.7.3 Flashpoint and Headspace Flammability Measurement
2.7.4 Precautionary Measures
2.7.5 Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils

3.1 Principles of Electrostatics
3.1.1 Summary
3.1.2 Charge Separation
3.1.3 Charge Accumulation
3.1.4 Electrostatic Discharge
3.1.5 Electrostatic Properties of Gases and Mists
3.2 General Precautions Against Electrostatic Hazards
3.2.1 Overview
3.2.2 Bonding
3.2.3 Avoiding Loose Conductive Objects
3.3 Other Sources of Electrostatic Hazards
3.3.1 Filters
3.3.2 Fixed Equipment in Cargo Tanks
3.3.3 Free Fall in Tanks
3.3.4 Water Mists
3.3.5 Inert Gas
3.3.6 Discharge of Carbon Dioxide
3.3.7 Clothing and Footwear
3.3.8 Synthetic Materials

4.1 General Principles
4.2 Control of Potential Ignition Sources
4.2.1 Naked Lights
4.2.2 Smoking
4.2.3 Galley Stoves and Cooking Appliances
4.2.4 Engine and Boiler Rooms
4.3 Portable Electrical Equipment
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Lamps and Other Electrical Equipment on Flexible Cables (Wandering Leads)
4.3.3 Air Driven Lamps
4.3.4 Torches (Flashlights), Lamps and Portable Battery Powered Equipment
4.3.5 Cameras
4.3.6 Other Portable Electrical Equipment
4.4 Management of Electrical Equipment and Installations in Dangerous Areas
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Dangerous and Hazardous Areas
4.4.3 Electrical Equipment
4.4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
4.4.5 Electrical Repairs, Maintenance and Test Work at Terminals
4.5 Use of Tools
4.5.1 Grit Blasting and Mechanically Powered Tools
4.5.2 Hand Tools
4.6 Equipment Made of Aluminium
4.7 Cathodic Protection Anodes in Cargo Tanks
4.8 Communications Equipment
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Ship’s Radio Equipment
4.8.3 Ship’s Radar Equipment
4.8.4 Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)
4.8.5 Telephones
4.8.6 Mobile Telephones
4.8.7 Pagers
4.9 Spontaneous Combustion
4.10 Auto-Ignition
4.11 Asbestos

5.1 Theory of Fire-Fighting
5.2 Types of Fire and Appropriate Extinguishing Agents
5.2.1 Class A – Ordinary (Solid) Combustible Material Fires
5.2.2 Class B – Fires Involving Flammable and Combustible Hydrocarbon Liquids
5.2.3 Class C – Electrical Equipment Fires
5.2.4 Class D – Combustible Metal Fires
5.3 Extinguishing Agents
5.3.1 Cooling Agents
5.3.2 Smothering Agents
5.3.3 Flame Inhibiting Agents

6.1 General
6.2 Security Assessments
6.3 Responsibilities Under the ISPS Code
6.4 Security Plans


7.1 Fixed Inert Gas Systems
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Sources of Inert Gas
7.1.3 Composition and Quality of Inert Gas
7.1.4 Methods of Replacing Tank Atmospheres
7.1.5 Cargo Tank Atmosphere Control
7.1.6 Application to Cargo Tank Operations
7.1.7 Precautions to be Taken to Avoid Health Hazards
7.1.8 Cargo Tank Protection Against Over/Under-Pressure
7.1.9 Emergency Inert Gas Supply
7.1.10 Product Carriers Fitted with an Inert Gas System
7.1.11 Cold Weather Precautions for Inert Gas Systems
7.1.12 Inert Gas System Failure
7.1.13 Inert Gas Plant Repairs
7.2 Venting Systems
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Tank Over-Pressurisation and Under-Pressurisation
7.3 Cargo and Ballast Systems
7.3.1 Operation Manual
7.3.2 Cargo and Ballast System Integrity
7.3.3 Loading Rates
7.3.4 Monitoring of Void and Ballast Spaces
7.4 Power and Propulsion Systems
7.5 Vapour Emission Control (VEC) Systems
7.6 Stern Loading and Discharging Arrangements

8.1 Shipboard Fire-Fighting Equipment
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Tanker Fixed Fire-Fighting Installations – Cooling
8.1.3 Tanker Fixed Fire-Fighting Installations – Smothering
8.1.4 Portable Fire Extinguishers
8.2 Gas Testing Equipment
8.2.1 Introduction
8.2.2 Summary of Gas Testing Tasks
8.2.3 The Provision of Gas Measuring Instruments
8.2.4 Alarm Functions on Gas Measuring Instruments
8.2.5 Sampling Lines
8.2.6 Calibration
8.2.7 Operational Testing and Inspection
8.2.8 Disposable Personal Gas Monitors
8.3 Lifting Equipment
8.3.1 Inspection and Maintenance
8.3.2 Training

9.1 The International Safety Management (ISM) Code
9.2 Safety Management Systems
9.2.1 Risk Assessment
9.3 Permit to Work Systems
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Permit to Work Systems – Structure
9.3.3 Permit to Work Systems – Principles of Operation
9.3.4 Permit to Work Forms
9.3.5 Work Planning Meetings
9.4 Hot Work
9.4.1 Control of Hot Work
9.4.2 Hot Work Inside a Designated Space
9.4.3 Hot Work Outside a Designated Space
9.4.4 Hot Work in Dangerous or Hazardous Areas
9.5 Welding and Burning Equipment
9.6 Other Hazardous Tasks
9.7 Management of Contractors
9.8 Repairs at a Facility Other Than a Shipyard
9.8.1 Introduction
9.8.2 General
9.8.3 Supervision and Control
9.8.4 Pre-Arrival Planning
9.8.5 Mooring Arrangements
9.8.6 Shore Facilities
9.8.7 Pre-Work Safety Meeting
9.8.8 Work Permits
9.8.9 Tank Condition
9.8.10 Cargo Lines
9.8.11 Fire-Fighting Precautions
9.8.12 Safety Officer
9.8.13 Hot Work
9.9 Shipboard Emergency Management
9.9.1 General
9.9.2 Tanker Emergency Plan
9.9.3 Actions in the Event of an Emergency

10.1 Definition and General Caution
10.2 Hazards of Enclosed Spaces
10.2.1 Assessment of Risk
10.2.2 Respiratory Hazards
10.2.3 Hydrocarbon Vapours
10.2.4 Toxic Gases
10.2.5 Oxygen Deficiency
10.2.6 Products of Inert Gas
10.3 Atmosphere Tests Prior to Entry
10.4 Control of Entry into Enclosed Spaces
10.5 Safeguards for Enclosed Space Entry
10.6 Emergency Procedures
10.6.1 Evacuation from Enclosed Spaces
10.6.2 Rescue from Enclosed Spaces
10.6.3 Resuscitation
10.7 Entry into Enclosed Spaces with Atmospheres Known or Suspected to be Unsafe for Entry
10.8 Respiratory Protective Equipment
10.8.1 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
10.8.2 Air Line Breathing Apparatus
10.8.3 Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD)
10.8.4 Cartridge or Canister Face Masks
10.8.5 Hose Mask (Fresh Air Breathing Apparatus)
10.8.6 Equipment Maintenance
10.8.7 Stowage
10.8.8 Training
10.9 Work in Enclosed Spaces
10.9.1 General Requirements
10.9.2 Opening Equipment and Fittings
10.9.3 Use of Tools
10.9.4 Use of Electric Lights and Electrical Equipment
10.9.5 Removal of Sludge, Scale and Sediment
10.9.6 Work Boats
10.10 Pumproom Entry Precautions
10.10.1 Ventilation
10.10.2 Pumproom Entry Procedures
10.11 Pumproom Operational Precautions
10.11.1 General Precautions
10.11.2 Cargo and Ballast Line Draining Procedures
10.11.3 Routine Maintenance and Housekeeping Issues
10.11.4 Maintenance of Electrical Equipment in the Pumproom
10.11.5 Inspection and Maintenance of Pumproom Ventilation Fans
10.11.6 Testing of Alarms and Trips
10.11.7 Miscellaneous

11.1 Cargo Operations
11.1.1 General
11.1.2 Setting of Lines and Valves
11.1.3 Valve Operation
11.1.4 Pressure Surges
11.1.5 Butterfly and Non-Return (Check) Valves
11.1.6 Loading Procedures
11.1.7 Loading Static Accumulator Oils
11.1.8 Loading Very High Vapour Pressure Cargoes
11.1.9 Loading Cargoes Containing Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
11.1.10 Loading Cargoes Containing Benzene
11.1.11 Loading Heated Products
11.1.12 Loading Over the Top (sometimes known as ‘Loading Overall’)
11.1.13 Loading at Terminals Having Vapour Emission Control (VEC) Systems
11.1.14 Discharging Procedures
11.1.15 Pipeline and Hose Clearing Following Cargo Operations
11.2 Stability, Stress, Trim and Sloshing Considerations
11.2.1 General
11.2.2 Free Surface Effects
11.2.3 Heavy Weather Ballast
11.2.4 Loading and Discharge Planning
11.3 Tank Cleaning
11.3.1 General
11.3.2 Tank Washing Risk Management
11.3.3 Supervision and Preparation
11.3.4 Tank Atmospheres
11.3.5 Tank Washing
11.3.6 Precautions for Tank Washing
11.4 Gas Freeing
11.4.1 General
11.4.2 Gas Free for Entry Without Breathing Apparatus
11.4.3 Procedures and Precautions
11.4.4 Gas Testing and Measurement
11.4.5 Fixed Gas Freeing Equipment
11.4.6 Portable Fans
11.4.7 Ventilating Double Hull Ballast Tanks
11.4.8 Gas Freeing in Preparation for Hot Work
11.5 Crude Oil Washing
11.5.1 General
11.5.2 Advance Notice
11.5.3 Tank Washing Machines
11.5.4 Control of Tank Atmosphere
11.5.5 Precautions Against Leakage from the Washing System
11.5.6 Avoidance of Oil and Water Mixtures
11.5.7 Isolation of the Tank Cleaning Heater
11.5.8 Control of Vapour Emissions
11.5.9 Supervision
11.5.10 Cautionary Notice
11.6 Ballast Operations
11.6.1 Introduction
11.6.2 General
11.6.3 Loading Cargo Tank Ballast
11.6.4 Loading Segregated Ballast
11.6.5 Deballasting in Port
11.6.6 Discharging Segregated Ballast
11.6.7 Ballast Water Exchange at Sea
11.6.8 Discharging Cargo Tank Ballast at Sea
11.7 Cargo Leakage into Double Hull Tanks
11.7.1 Action to be Taken
11.7.2 Inerting Double Hull Tanks
11.8 Cargo Measurement, Ullaging, Dipping and Sampling
11.8.1 General
11.8.2 Measuring and Sampling Non-Inerted Tanks
11.8.3 Measuring and Sampling Inerted Tanks
11.8.4 Measuring and Sampling Cargoes Containing Toxic Substances
11.8.5 Closed Gauging for Custody Transfer
11.9 Transfers Between Vessels
11.9.1 Ship-to-Ship Transfers
11.9.2 Ship-to-Barge and Barge-to-Ship Transfers
11.9.3 Ship-to-Ship Transfers Using Vapour Balancing
11.9.4 Ship-to-Ship Transfers Using Terminal Facilities
11.9.5 Ship-to-Ship Electric Currents

12.1 Liquefied Gases
12.2 Ship’s Stores
12.2.1 General
12.2.2 Paint
12.2.3 Chemicals
12.2.4 Cleaning Liquids
12.2.5 Spare Gear Storage
12.3 Cargo and Bunker Samples
12.4 Other Materials
12.4.1 Sawdust, Oil Absorbent Granules and Pads
12.4.2 Garbage
12.5 Packaged Cargoes
12.5.1 Petroleum and Other Flammable Liquids
12.5.2 Dangerous Goods
12.5.3 Entry into Holds
12.5.4 Portable Electrical Equipment
12.5.5 Smothering Type Fire Extinguishing Systems
12.5.6 Fire-Fighting Precautions
12.5.7 Forecastle Spaces and Midship Stores
12.5.8 Deck Cargo
12.5.9 Barges

13.1 Manning Levels
13.2 Training and Experience
13.3 Hours of Rest
13.3.1 Statutory Requirements
13.3.2 Fatigue
13.4 Drug and Alcohol Policy
13.4.1 Industry Guidelines
13.4.2 Control of Alcohol
13.4.3 Drug and Alcohol Testing Programmes
13.5 Drug Trafficking
13.6 Employment Practices

14.1 Combination Carriers
14.1.1 General Guidance
14.1.2 Types of Combination Carriers
14.1.3 Slack Holds in Combination Carriers
14.1.4 Sloshing
14.1.5 Longitudinal Stress
14.1.6 Venting of Cargo Holds
14.1.7 Inert Gas
14.1.8 Hatch Covers
14.1.9 Tank Washing
14.1.10 Carriage of Slops when Trading as a Dry Bulk Carrier
14.1.11 Leakage into Ballast Tanks on Combination Carriers
14.1.12 Testing of Cargo Tanks and Enclosed Spaces on Dry Bulk Voyages
14.1.13 Cargo Changeover Check-Lists
14.2 LPG Carriers Carrying Petroleum Products
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Product Limitations
14.2.3 Pre-Loading Preparations
14.2.4 Loading of Pentane Plus or Naphtha
14.2.5 Cargo Sampling
14.2.6 Loading, Carriage and Discharge Procedures
14.2.7 Tank Cleaning and Changeover Procedures


15.1 Compliance
15.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Management
15.3 Operating Manual
15.4 Terminal Information and Port Regulations
15.5 Supervision and Control
15.5.1 Manning Levels
15.5.2 De-Manning of Berths During Cargo Handling
15.5.3 Checks on Quantity During Cargo Handling
15.5.4 Training
15.6 Ship and Berth Compatibility
15.6.1 Maximum Draught
15.6.2 Maximum Displacement
15.6.3 Length Overall (LOA)
15.6.4 Other Criteria
15.7 Documentation

16.1 Pre-Arrival Communications
16.2 Mooring
16.2.1 Mooring Equipment
16.3 Limiting Conditions for Operations
16.4 Ship/Shore Access
16.4.1 General
16.4.2 Provision of Ship/Shore Access
16.4.3 Access Equipment
16.4.4 Siting of Gangways
16.4.5 Safety Nets
16.4.6 Routine Maintenance
16.4.7 Unauthorised Persons
16.4.8 Persons Smoking or Intoxicated
16.5 Double Banking
16.6 Over the Tide Cargo Operations
16.6.1 Discharging Over the Tide
16.6.2 Loading Over the Tide
16.7 Operations Where the Ship is not Always Afloat
16.8 Generation of Pressure Surges in Pipelines
16.8.1 Introduction
16.8.2 Generation of a Pressure Surge
16.9 Assessment of Pressure Surges
16.9.1 Effective Valve Closure Time
16.9.2 Derivation of Total Pressure in the System
16.9.3 Overall System Design
16.10 Reduction of Pressure Surge Hazard
16.10.1 General Precautions
16.10.2 Limitation of Flow Rate to Avoid the Risk of a Damaging Pressure Surge
16.11 Pipeline Flow Control as a Static Precaution
16.11.1 General
16.11.2 Flow Control Requirements
16.11.3 Controlling Loading Rates
16.11.4 Discharge into Shore Installations

17.1 Electrical Equipment
17.2 Fendering
17.3 Lifting Equipment
17.3.1 Inspection and Maintenance
17.3.2 Training in the Use of Lifting Equipment
17.4 Lighting
17.5 Ship/Shore Electrical Isolation
17.5.1 General
17.5.2 Ship-to-Shore Electric Currents
17.5.3 Sea Islands
17.5.4 Ship/Shore Bonding Cables
17.5.5 Insulating Flange
17.6 Earthing and Bonding Practice in the Terminal

18.1 Metal Cargo Arms
18.1.1 Operating Envelope
18.1.2 Forces on Manifolds
18.1.3 Tanker Manifold Restrictions
18.1.4 Inadvertent Filling of Arms while Parked
18.1.5 Ice Formation
18.1.6 Mechanical Couplers
18.1.7 Wind Forces
18.1.8 Precautions when Connecting and Disconnecting Arms
18.1.9 Precautions while Arms are Connected
18.1.10 Powered Emergency Release Couplings (PERCs)
18.2 Cargo Hoses
18.2.1 General
18.2.2 Types and Applications
18.2.3 Performance
18.2.4 Marking
18.2.5 Flow Velocities
18.2.6 Inspection,Testing and Maintenance Requirements for Dock Cargo Hoses
18.2.7 Hose Flange Standards
18.2.8 Operating Conditions
18.2.9 Extended Storage
18.2.10 Checks Before Hose Handling
18.2.11 Handling, Lifting and Suspending
18.2.12 Adjustment During Cargo Handling Operations
18.2.13 Submarine and Floating Hose Strings
18.3 Vapour Emission Control Systems

19.1 Safety
19.1.1 Design Considerations
19.1.2 Safety Management
19.1.3 Permit to Work Systems – General Considerations
19.2 Marine Terminal Fire Protection
19.2.1 General
19.2.2 Fire Prevention and Isolation
19.2.3 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
19.2.4 Automatic Detection Systems
19.2.5 Selection of Fire Detectors
19.2.6 Location and Spacing of Fire Detectors
19.2.7 Fixed Combustible and Toxic Gas Detectors
19.2.8 Locating Fixed Combustible and Toxic Gas Detectors
19.2.9 Fixed Combustible and Toxic Gas Analysers
19.2.10 Fire Extinguishing System Compatibility
19.3 Alarm and Signalling Systems
19.3.1 Types of Alarm Systems
19.3.2 Types of Signal
19.3.3 Alarm and Signalling System Design
19.3.4 Alternative Alarm and Signalling System Design
19.3.5 Interface Between Detection Systems and Alarm or Fire Extinguishing Systems – Circuit Design
19.3.6 Electric Power Sources
19.4 Detection and Alarm Systems at Terminals Handling Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
19.4.1 General
19.4.2 Control Rooms/Control Buildings
19.5 Fire-Fighting Equipment
19.5.1 Terminal Fire-Fighting Equipment
19.5.2 Portable and Wheeled Fire Extinguishers and Monitors
19.5.3 Terminal Fixed Fire-Fighting Equipment
19.6 Water-Borne Fire-Fighting Equipment
19.7 Protective Clothing
19.8 Access for Fire-Fighting Services

20.1 Overview
20.2 Terminal Emergency Planning – Plan Components and Procedures
20.2.1 Preparation
20.2.2 Control
20.2.3 Communications and Alarms
20.2.4 Site Plans and Maps
20.2.5 Access to Equipment
20.2.6 Road Traffic Movement and Control
20.2.7 Outside Services
20.2.8 Training for Emergencies
20.3 Definition and Hierarchy of Emergencies
20.3.1 General
20.3.2 Hierarchy of Emergencies
20.3.3 Assessing Risks
20.4 Terminal Emergency Plan
20.4.1 Format
20.4.2 Preparation
20.4.3 Resource Availability
20.4.4 Miscellaneous Organisational Items
20.5 Emergency Removal of Tanker from Berth

21.1 General
21.1.1 Ship Evacuation
21.1.2 Non-Essential Personnel
21.2 Evacuation and Personnel Escape Routes
21.2.1 Primary and Secondary Escape Routes
21.2.2 Protection of Personnel
21.2.3 Boat Access
21.2.4 Availability of Rescue Craft
21.2.5 Life Saving Appliances
21.3 Survival Craft
21.4 Training and Drills


22.1 Procedures and Precautions
22.1.1 Communications Equipment
22.1.2 Communications Procedures
22.1.3 Compliance with Terminal and Local Regulations
22.2 Pre-Arrival Exchange of Information
22.2.1 Exchange of Security Information
22.2.2 Tanker to Appropriate Competent Authority
22.2.3 Tanker to Terminal
22.2.4 Terminal to Tanker
22.3 Pre-Berthing Exchange of Information
22.3.1 Tanker to Terminal and/or Pilot
22.3.2 Terminal and/or Pilot to Tanker
22.4 Pre-Transfer Exchange of Information
22.4.1 Tanker to Terminal
22.4.2 Terminal to Tanker
22.5 Agreed Loading Plan
22.6 Agreed Discharge Plan
22.7 Agreement to Carry Out Repairs
22.7.1 Repairs on the Tanker
22.7.2 Repairs on the Terminal
22.7.3 Use of Tools whilst a Tanker is Alongside a Terminal

23.1 Personnel Safety
23.2 Security of Moorings
23.3 Preparations for Arrival
23.3.1 Tanker’s Mooring Equipment
23.3.2 Use of Tugs
23.3.3 Emergency Use of Tugs
23.4 Mooring at Jetty Berths
23.4.1 Type and Quality of Mooring Lines
23.4.2 Management of Moorings at Alongside Berths
23.5 Berthing at Buoy Moorings
23.5.1 Mooring at Conventional Multi-Buoy Moorings
23.5.2 Mooring at Single Point Moorings (SPMs)
23.5.3 Management of Moorings at Buoy Berths

24.1 External Openings in Superstructures
24.2 Central Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems
24.3 Openings in Cargo Tanks
24.3.1 Cargo Tank Lids
24.3.2 Sighting and Ullage Ports
24.3.3 Cargo Tank Vent Outlets
24.3.4 Tank Washing Openings
24.4 Inspection of Ship’s Cargo Tanks Before Loading
24.5 Segregated Ballast Tank Lids
24.6 Ship and Shore Cargo Connections
24.6.1 Flange Connections
24.6.2 Removal of Blank Flanges
24.6.3 Reducers and Spools
24.6.4 Lighting
24.6.5 Emergency Release
24.7 Accidental Oil Spillage and Leakage
24.7.1 General
24.7.2 Sea and Overboard Discharge Valves
24.7.3 Scupper Plugs
24.7.4 Spill Containment
24.7.5 Ship and Shore Cargo and Bunker Pipelines not in Use
24.8 Fire-Fighting Equipment
24.9 Proximity to Other Vessels
24.9.1 Tankers at Adjacent Berths
24.9.2 General Cargo Ships at Adjacent Berths
24.9.3 Tanker Operations at General Cargo Berths
24.9.4 Tugs and Other Craft Alongside
24.10 Notices
24.10.1 Notices on the Tanker
24.10.2 Notices on the Terminal
24.11 Manning Requirements
24.12 Control of Naked Flames and Other Potential Ignition Sources
24.13 Control of Vehicles and Other Equipment
24.14 Helicopter Operations

25.1 General
25.2 Bunkering Procedures
25.3 The Bunkering Operation
25.4 The Bunkering Safety Check-List
25.4.1 General
25.4.2 Guidelines for Use
25.4.3 Bunkering Safety Check-List

26.1 Climatic Conditions
26.1.1 Terminal Advice of Adverse Weather Conditions
26.1.2 Wind Conditions
26.1.3 Electrical Storms (Lightning)
26.2 Personnel Safety
26.2.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
26.2.2 Slip and Fall Hazards
26.2.3 Personal Hygiene
26.2.4 Clothing Made of Synthetic Materials
26.3 The Ship/Shore Safety Check-List
26.3.1 General
26.3.2 Guidelines for Use
26.3.3 The Ship/Shore Safety Check-List
26.3.4 Example Safety Letter
26.4 Guidelines for Completing the Ship/Shore Safety Check-List
26.5 Emergency Actions
26.5.1 Fire or Explosion on a Berth
26.5.2 Fire on a Tanker at a Terminal
26.5.3 International Shore Fire Connection
26.5.4 Emergency Release Procedures
26.5.5 Emergency Towing-Off Pennants


Title: Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4)
Number of Volumes: 1
Edition: 4th 2018 Ed.
Number of Pages: 312
Published Date: June 2018

IMPA Code: 370684 (37 06 84)

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