British Admiralty Nautical Chart 4015: A Planning Chart for the Atlantic Ocean
- Price
- $55.95
- Tags: Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Alboran Sea Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Baffin Bay Balearic Sea Baltic Sea Barentsz Sea Bay of Biscay Bay of Fundy Black Sea Bristol Channel Caribbean Sea Celtic Sea Davis Strait English Channel Greenland Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Riga Gulf of St-Lawrence Hudson Bay Hudson Strait Indian Ocean Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Ionian Sea Irish Sea and St. George's Channel Kattegat Labrador Sea Ligurian Sea Lincoln Sea Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin North Atlantic Ocean North Pacific Ocean North Sea Northwestern Passages Norwegian Sea Pacific Ocean Planning Rio de La Plata Sea of Marmara Skaggerak South Atlantic Ocean South Pacific Ocean Southern Ocean Strait of Gibraltar Tyrrhenian Sea World
Pickup available at 3311 S. Andrews Ave.
Usually ready in 24 hours
British Admiralty Nautical Chart 4015: A Planning Chart for the Atlantic Ocean is a standard nautical chart. This nautical chart complies with Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations and is ideal for professional, commercial and recreational use. Charts within the series consist of a range of scales, useful for passage planning, ocean crossings, coastal navigation and entering port. Mariners should always use the largest scale nautical chart appropriate to their needs. In particularly busy seaways such as the English Channel, Gulf of Suez and the Malacca and Singapore Straits, the standard nautical charts are supplemented by mariners' routeing guides which provide advice on route planning in these complex areas. Admiralty nautical charts are corrected to the latest notice to mariners (NTM) by our trained cartographer at the point of sale. It is the mariner's responsibility to maintain and correct the chart onwards to be in compliance with SOLAS regulations and to ensure safe navigation.
American Nautical Service did a great job. They helped me identify the right chart and the shipment was super fast. I would use them again for any sailing guide and charts I need.
American Nautical Service did a great job. They helped me identify the right chart and the shipment was super fast. I would use them again for any sailing guide and charts I need.