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ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT) provides bridge crews with fast, accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal streams worldwide.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots)
provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. 

ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals (ALRS)
series provides comprehensive information on all aspects of Maritime Radio Communications. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​ADMIRALTY List of Lights (ALL or ADLL) 
is an advanced source of navigational light and fog signal information, with coverage of more than 85,000 individual fixed light structures including lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks and fog signals.

Admiralty (UKHO) Publications come in a digital and hardcopy format. If you need digital Admiralty Nautical Publications, please check out our software SPICA e-Navigator!

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Celestial Navigation Celestial Navigation Clear all
Astronomical Phenomena (GP200)
From $19.95
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NavPac and Compact Data 2021-2025
Star Finder and Identifier (NP323), 1958 Edition
The Star Almanac for Land Surveyors (NP321)
From $39.95
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