4D Charts

CMap 4D charts are among the most advanced digital charts on the market. They're extremely feature-rich and contain almost all of the functions of MAX-N+ charts, with two key distinctions. While 4D charts have 20 features, MAX-N+ charts have 23. However, this is partly because the additional features would become redundant due to the innovation that the 4D charts possess.

The major innovation of the 4D chart is that you have the option of switching between a 2D view and a 3D view. By rendering the charts in 3D, you'll be able to physically see all of the nuances of your CMap chart. In addition to making navigation more intuitive, these 3D charts also make the world come alive.


There are four distinct coverage options available. Not all types of CMap electronic charts support every option of coverage, which is important to keep in mind depending on your purposes.


Choosing local coverage allows you to balance your depth and breadth of information. Chart detail is quite high, and the coverage area is by no means small. For instance, the eastern half of the entire Gulf of Mexico is a region that CMaps covers with a local package. Overall, Local is an excellent choice for a small, independent fisherman or sailing enthusiast who enjoys day trips by sea. Someone with more ambitious goals should upgrade to the Wide or Mega Wide options.


When you pick wide coverage, you enjoy highly advanced chart detail and feature-rich charts. A wide CMap chart retains the depth of information that's important to fishermen and adventurous boaters while greatly expanding the coverage area. Whereas Local may cover part of a gulf, Wide can easily span a national seaboard. This combination of deep information and broad-scale is perfect for people who are more serious about sailing.

Mega Wide

Mega Wide is remarkably straightforward in that its features are exactly the same as Wide. However, Mega Wide provides twice the coverage in comparison. If someone finds Wide appealing but simply needs more content, then this option is perfectly suited to them.


When it comes to the scale of coverage, Continental is the most cost-efficient choice. While it retains a few core features such as vector chart data and easy routing, it doesn't compete with other options in terms of depth. Instead, continental coverage earns a place through the sheer volume of content on display. While a serious fisherman will miss some of the features that are gone, a long-range cruising enthusiast doesn't benefit from the same amount of detail and should appreciate Continental. Only 4D and MAX-N+ can use this coverage option.

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C-Map 4D Chart AU-D266: Daly River To Onslow
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C-Map 4D Chart AU-D267: Busselton To Onslow
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C-Map 4D Chart AU-D268: Perth To Port Eyre
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