Rose Point Coastal Explorer

Publisher Rose Point

Coastal Explorer™ is a sophisticated and full-featured, yet very easy to use navigation software package designed specifically for the pleasure boater.

With support for more charts and chart formats than any other recreational navigation system, route planning features with multi-level undo capability, integrated gazetteer and guide books, virtual instrument display, and obstacle alerts, Coastal Explorer will help you make your next cruise safer and more enjoyable.


The gazetteer includes millions of places in the US, Canada, and Mexico and more countries are available. You can find any of these places on the chart by simply entering a name into the Search Box on the toolbar!

Guide Book information is tightly integrated into Coastal Explorer's charts. Sailing directions from the US Coast Pilot® and NGA Enroute for Canada and Mexico are included. Many other guide book add-ons, including the Atlantic Cruising Club's Guides to Marinas and ActiveCaptain, are also available.

Coastal Explorer's Guide Book also includes photos from all over the world via Panoramio.


Coastal Explorer makes it easy to plan your next cruising adventure with features like multi-level undo, powerful route manipulation tools, and route obstacle detection.

Coastal Explorer uses documents instead of a hidden database to keep track of all of your routes, waypoints, boundary areas, and other marks so you can organize them however you want. You can even share them with your friends using e-mail or a USB Flash Drive!


Coastal Explorer can predict tide levels and tidal currents at all official US stations and many Canadian stations. Tide predictions are presented in easy to read graphs along with daily high, low, and slack water times.

Weather forecasts are presented in both text and graphical formats and are easily downloaded when you have Internet access. Current weather conditions are also displayed when available.


Navigation is made easier with Coastal Explorer's full-screen Cruise Mode which replaces the standard Windows menus and toolbars with big buttons that are much easier to use while underway.

Split the screen into two, three, or four charts with a single key or button press. There's no need to resize or rearrange windows; Coastal Explorer takes care of it for you!

Orient the chart with North Up, Heading Up, or Course Up and let Coastal Explorer automatically scroll the chart to keep your boat centered or near the edge so you can see more of what's ahead.

Voice Alerts are used to warn you of waypoint arrivals, depths out of range, and even charted obstacles along your path!

Virtual Instrument panels show you information from your electronics in large, easy to see displays. Coastal Explorer includes an analog compass with waypoint arrow, analog wind, cross track error, and rudder angle displays, depth and temperature graphs, and many digital display options.


Use the Ship's Log to keep track of your voyages and even share them with friends and family back home. Coastal Explorer provides you with three separate log books; one for notes, one that's private, and one that you can share as a "blog" on the Internet.


Coastal Explorer lets you choose the types of charts you want to use. A complete set of US Charts in both raster and vector formats is included, and Coastal Explorer helps you keep your charts up-to-date by automatically downloading updates when they are available.

With chart quilting, there's no need to figure out which charts to open. Just zoom in and out and scroll around and the right charts will appear seamlessly quilted together.

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