The Seafarers' Practical Guide to SIRE 2.0 Inspections has been written for all Officers and crew on board to enable them to better understand the content and requirements of the SIRE 2.0 Vessel Inspection Questionnaire.
This publication follows each chapter of the SIRE 2.0 Inspection Questionnaire and provides guidance on the responsibilities for each question. The guide compiles and summarizes the inspection guidance, the suggested Inspector actions, the expected evidence and the potential grounds for a negative observation for each and every question as they are outlined in the OCIMF question libraries.
This Guide should be used in conjunction with the latest OCIMF-SIRE 2.0 Question Libraries.
Contents Listing
Introduction & Scope
Layout and how to use this Document
Chapter 1. Vessel, Operator and Inspection Particulars
Chapter 2. Certification and Documentation
Chapter 3. Crew Management
Chapter 4. Navigation and Communications
Chapter 5. Safety Management
Chapter 6. Pollution Prevention
Chapter 7. Maritime Security
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems
Chapter 9. Mooring and Anchoring
Chapter 10. Machinery Spaces
Chapter 11. General Appearance and Condition
Chapter 12. Ice Operations
Additional Information
Number of Pages: 432
Weight: 2 kg
Published Date: December 2023