TimeZero Professional: Marine Navigation Software

SKU TZ-108
Publisher TimeZero


TIMEZERO Professional Software

TZ Professional software has been designed to answer the navigation needs and requirements of all professional seafarers. With features that are truly cutting-edge, TIMEZERO software has two main objectives: Supreme control and performance. Discover in this section how TIMEZERO software caters to your needs no matter your activity.

 Main Features

Base Software Features:

Supported PC Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10
Connection to Instruments: NMEA0183, NMEA2000 (via Actisense NGT1-USB) or Furuno NavNet Network (for Navigation Data Only)
Autopilot Output Connection(2)
Exclusive TIMEZERO Chart Engine (2D and 3D View with Seamless Chart Redraw without limited range presets)
Advanced Professional User Interface
Friendly Touch Screen compatible User Interface
"Quick Action" NavData allows to configure any actions to a button
Day, Dusk and Night Mode
Worldwide Planning Charts (base map)
Worldwide 3D Database (base map)
mm3d Raster or Vector chart compatibility (from various manufacturers such as C-MAP, Navionics or MapMedia)
Import S57 Charts (NOAA ENC)
Exclusive TIMEZERO PhotoFusion (intelligent mix of satellite photos and nautical charts)
Depth Shading (color according to depth overlaid on the chart)
Custom Depth Shading (user selectable colors according to depth) Optional
Profile Window on Divider and Tracks Optional
Custom Contour Lines Optional
Worldwide Tide Database
Tidal Currents for North America
Optional Western European High Resolution Tidal Current (refer to chart catalog for availability) Optional
Optional Accurate High Resolution Satellite Photos for Bahamas and Europe (refer to chart catalog for availability) Optional
Multi-level Undo & Redo
Unlimited Track Recording (with track recall feature)
Track Line Coloring (according to SST, Speed, Depth...)
Advanced Route Planning Wizard (Route Departure Time Optimization according to Tidal Current)
Search & Rescue (SAR) route Patterns
Anti-Grounding Cone
Planning Route Safety Check
Lost Sensor Alarm
Print Route Feature
Odometer NavData (Duration, Distance, Max Speed, Average Speed)
Marks, Waypoints, Routes Boundaries, Lines, Annotations & Photos (User Objects)
Synchronization of User Objects (Local and Cloud synchronization) among compatible TIMEZERO Platforms)
Unlimited User Objects
Layer and Marks Management (including presets allowing customer to create “group” of layers)
Advanced Events Management
Event NavData allows to quickly drop event with the mouse
Loran C & Decca grid
Worldwide Place Name Search
POIs: Import your own Photos ("My Pictures") with Automatic Geolocation
POIs: ActiveCaptain (Interactive Cruising Guidebook)
Weather Data Service (Rain, Cloud, Air Temperature, Wind, Waves, Oceanic Currents, Pressure)
Ocean Data Service (Sea Surface Temperature, Plankton, Altimetry)
Premium Ocean Data Service (Higher Resolution, Multi-Layer Data and Custom Filters) Optional
Weather Forecast, Tides and Currents Animation
Alarms (Anchor Alarm, CPA/TCPA Alarm, Depth Alarm, and more…)
Alarm Zone NavData (know at any time the closest alarm zone)
Own Ship and Targets (AIS and ARPA) Alarm Zones
AIS and MARPA Target Display (with targets list)
AIS and MARPA Graphic CPA
Target Track Recording
AutomaticTarget Trail
Advanced AIS Management (Target Activation)
AIS MKD allowing to set Voyage Data and Navigational Status (Moored, Navigation…)
AIS messages can be sent and received (addressed “normal” and “safety” messages)
AIS Marine Traffic compatibility (Global AIS feed through an Internet connection)
Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and Man Over Board (MOB)
Fleet Tracking ("PosRep" files support)
Fishing Buoys
AXIS IP Cameras and Video Converter Support (Control and Tracking)
FLIR Thermal Camera Integration (M-Series Control and Tracking)
Generic Fixed H264 Network Camera (video only, no Control nor Tracking)
Augmented Reality
Dual or Triple monitors extended mode
Fuel Management (Fuel Range Ring, Route Warning, Distance to Empty, Time to Empty)
High Resolution 3D bathy (on selected area only) Optional

Modules available as options:

TZ Professional v4

TZ Radar Module (with Furuno Ethernet Radar) includes:

  • DRS and FAR Radar network connection (view and control the radar)
  • Shared Charts Licensing with NavNet MFDs
  • User Objects and Active Route Synchronization with NavNet TZtouch2 (v7)
  • Route Synchronization with NavNet 3D and NavNet TZtouch
  • Full Screen Radar Work Space and Chart Radar Overlay
  • Local ARPA Algorithm with Automatic ARPA acquisition (guard zone)

TZ Sounder Module (with Furuno Ethernet Sounder) includes:

  • Sounder network connection (view and control the sounder)
  • Full Screen Sounder Work Space with echogram history

TZ Routing Module includes:

  • Routing according to wind, waves and currents
  • Isochrones with SailSet overlay
  • Routing calculation automatically avoiding the coastline and shallow water (possibility to set the depth limit)
  • Dual Route calculation sail/motor (depending on the wind and theorical speed limit)
  • Expected wind conditions display along the track
  • Alternate routing
  • Routing Detail (List)
  • Routing and Weather Animation
  • Laylines (requires wind sensor)
  • Polar workspace : to display and modify Wind and SailSet Polar files
  • Polar % modification
  • Adjusting Weather files
  • Routing variability calculation and display

TZ PBG Module includes:

  • Fishing WorkSpace allowing to customize depth shading and contour lines
  • 3D WorkSpace

TZ WASSP Multi-Beam Module (3)

  • Connect to WASSP G1 or WASSP G2 or WASSP G2 survey or WASSP G3
  • Record depth and backscatter data
  • Navigation data (not available with WASSP G1)
  • Display various sonar screens such as Section, Multi-Sounder, Side Scan or Water Column (only available with WASSP G3)

TZ DFF3D Module (3)

  • Connect to DFF3D multibeam sounder
  • Display various sonar screens such as Section, Multi-Sounder, Side Scan or Water Column

TZ Trawl Positionning Module

  • Connect to Marport Trawl Positioning system (single net system with 2 doors)
  • Display the net in 2D or 3D directly on the chart
  • Display Doors trail and Doors COG predictor

TZ Bottom Hardness Module (3)


Record (via NMEA0183) the Bottom Hardness output by:

  • Simrad ES70 and ES80 ($PSIMDHB sentence)
  • Koden CVS-FX series ($PKODS sentence)
  • Hondex HE-7300 Di and HE-1500 Di ($PHDX sentence)
  • JRC JFC-130 series ($PJRCS sentence)
  • Seascan ($PSAP sentence)

TZ VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) Module


TZ S63 ENC Module



  • (1) - TZ Professional can only be installed on one computer
  • (2) - Connection to the Pilot can be done using NMEA0183 (via a Serial COM Port) or using NMEA2000 (via Actisense NGT1-USB Gateway)
  • (3) - You must have the PBG Module first, in order to be able to acquire the WASSP or DFF3D module.

    Additional Features

    Add advanced modules to your software

    TIMEZERO Modules compatibility with:

    Targets (AIS/ARPA)







    Trawl Positioning

    Bottom Hardness


    Optional Optional Optional
    Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

    Modules integration:

    TZ Radar Module (with Ethernet Furuno Radar) includes:

    • DRS and FAR Radar network connection (view and control the radar)
    • Shared Charts Licensing with NavNet MFDs
    • User Objects and Active Route Synchronization with NavNet TZtouch2 (v7)
    • Route Synchronization with NavNet 3D and NavNet TZtouch
    • Full Screen Radar Work Space and Chart Radar Overlay
    • Local ARPA Algorithm with Automatic ARPA acquisition (guard zone)

    TZ Sounder Module (with Furuno Ethernet Sounder) includes:

    Optional Optional
    • Sounder network connection (view and control the sounder)
    • Full Screen Sounder Work Space with echogram history

    TZ Routing Module includes:

    Optional Optional
    • Routing according to wind, waves and currents
    • Isochrones with SailSet overlay
    • Routing calculation automatically avoiding the coastline and shallow water (possibility to set the depth limit)
    • Dual route calculation sail/motor (depending on the wind and theorical speed limit)
    • Expected wind conditions display along the track
    • Alternate routing
    • Routing Detail (List)
    • Routing and Weather Animation
    • Laylines (requires wind sensor)
    • Polar workspace : to display and modify Wind and SailSet Polar files
    • Polar % modification
    • Adjusting GRIB Weather files
    • Routing variability calculation and display

    TZ PBG Module includes:

    • Fishing WorkSpace allowing to customize depth shading and contour lines
    • 3D WorkSpace

    TZ WASSP Multi-Beam Module (*)


    TZ DFF3D Multi-Beam Module (*)


    TZ Trawl Positioning Module


    TZ Bottom Hardness Module (*)


    TZ VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) Module


    TZ S63 ENC Module


    (*) - You must have the PBG Module first, in order to be able to acquire the Multi-Beam Sounder WASSP or DFF3D module or Bottom Hardness module.

    System Requirements

    The following system requirements must be fulfilled to run TZ Professional:

    • Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1, Windows® 8.1 or Windows® 10 (64-bit operating system)
    • CPU 2 GHz Intel® Core™ i5 4th generation or equivalent
    • 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
    • Video Board:
      • Minimum - Intel HD4400 Graphic Chipset (i5 4th generation with HD4400 or above)
      • Recommended (for PBG and Multi monitor) - Dedicated Video Board with 1GB VRAM
    • Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768 or higher (1280 x 800 or above highly recommended)
    • Hard Disk: 40 GB of free space
    • USB or Serial Port for connecting instruments via NMEA0183, Actisense USB NGT-1 for connecting instruments via NMEA2000 or 100 Base-T Network Adapter for Furuno Ethernet Sensors
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    Order Digital Charts 

    Have the world at your fingertips thanks to the mm3d charts catalog compatible with TZ Navigator. Its worldwide coverage is available with raster charts and vector charts (C-MAP and Datacore by Navionics). In addition, the TIMEZERO technology integrate an unparalleled chart engine where marine charts, 3D data and satellites photo are wisely mixed through PhotoFusion.

    You can order mm3d digital charts for your TimeZero navigation software from us here.

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