This OCIMF publication contains recommendations to support a marine facility’s competence development programmes for Mooring Masters. There is no established requirement for this group of maritime professionals and the objective of these Guidelines is to provide a competence baseline that can be applied internationally.
Within the context of these guidelines, the term Mooring Master encompasses several differently termed roles where a shore representative provides a professional marine advisory service to vessel Masters. Terms in common use to describe these various roles include Loading Master, Lightering Master, STS Superintendent and Docking/Berthing Master.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide: Recommendations on the development and implementation of a competency assessment system for Mooring Masters; Guidance on the competencies required of Mooring Masters; Guidance on the knowledge requirements of Mooring Masters; Recommendations on the assessment of an individual’s competence; Recommendations on continued verification of previously assessed competence for Mooring Masters; Advice on record keeping and documentation used to support a competence development programme.
Purpose and scope
Part One
Section One
1.1 Genera
1.2 The Competence Framework
1.3 Competence Element templates
Section Two
Implementation guide
2.1 General
2.2 Customising the Framework
2.3 Competence levels
Section Three
Competence assessment and verification
3.1 General
3.2 Methods for assessing competence
3.2.1 Observation
3.2.2 Questioning
3.2.3 Written test
3.2.4 Oral test
3.3 The role of Assessors
3.3.1 Periodic assessment reviews
3.4 The role of Verifiers
3.5 Records
Part Two
Section Four
The Competence Framework
4.1 Overview of the Mooring Master Competence Framework
4.2 Index of Key Functions, Units and Elements
Section Five
Mooring Master core competencies - Element templates
Key Function 1 Facility organisation and procedures
Key Function 2 Safe passage of ship to/from berth
Key Function 3 Manoeuvring, mooring and unmooring
Key Function 4 Cargo transfer coordination
Key Function 5 Facility knowledge
Section Six
An example of knowledge requirements to support a periodic review of competence
Title: Competence Assurance Guidelines for Mooring, Loading and Lightering Masters
Edition: First
Number of Pages: 80
Product Code: WS1418K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-655-3 (9781856096553), ISBN 10: 1-85609-655-6 (1856096556)
Published Date: January 2015
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 305 mm
Book Width: 218 mm
Book Spine: 10 mm
Weight: 0.70 kg
Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum