This is an essential guide to best practice for confined space entry, providing details of appropriate PPE, safe entry policies and procedures, general hazards and atmosphere testing.
Compiled by IACS, Confined Space Safe Practice contains detailed recommendations on all aspects of entering enclosed spaces safely. Covering topics such as safety entry procedures, atmosphere testing, PPE and general hazards, this guide to industry best practice also includes comprehensive additional guidelines and a handy checklist that can be used on board.
PART 1 – Confined Space Practices
CHAPTER 1 Definitions
1.1 Confined Space
1.2 Confined Space Entry
1.3 Competent Person
1.4 Responsible Person
1.5 Attendant (also ‘Standby Person’)
1.6 Marine Chemist
1.7 Adjacent Space
1.8 Toxic Product
1.9 Surveyor
1.10 Permit to Enter/Permit to Work (PTE/PTW)
CHAPTER 2 General Hazards
CHAPTER 3 Requirements
3.1 Training
3.2 Confined Space Entry Policy
3.3 Confined Space Entry Procedures
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Entering confined spaces adjacent to loaded tanks
3.3.3 Entering confined spaces adjacent to inerted tanks
3.3.4 Entering confined spaces adjacent to loaded tanks on double hull tankers – additional requirements
3.3.5 Permit to work (PTW) and permit to enter (PTE)
CHAPTER 4 Confined Space Entry
4.1 Testing of the Atmosphere
4.2 Preparation for Entering Confined Spaces
4.2.1 Ventilation
4.2.2 Isolation of Space
4.2.3 Attendant Rescue Team
4.3 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
PART 2 – Guidelines for Safe Entry of Confined Spaces
CHAPTER 1 General
CHAPTER 2 Confined Space Hazards
2.1 Hazardous Atmospheres from the Containment in the Tank
2.1.1 Oxygen-deficient atmosphere
2.1.2 Flammable atmospheres
2.1.3 Toxic atmosphere
2.2 Work being Performed in a Confined Space
CHAPTER 3 Testing
3.1 General
3.2 Testing Instruments
CHAPTER 4 Ventilation
CHAPTER 5 Isolation of Space
CHAPTER 6 General and Physical Hazards
6.1 Temperature Extremes
6.2 Engulfment Hazards
6.3 Noise
6.4 Falling Objects
6.5 Slick/Wet Surfaces
CHAPTER 7 Guidelines for Use of Personal Gas Detectors
7.1 Function Test and Full Calibration
CHAPTER 8 Survey Preparations
8.1 Cleaning
8.2 Lighting
ANNEX Checklist for Entry into Confined Spaces
This Guideline is intended to assist Societies in developing confined space entry procedures or technical instructions for the surveyors, according to a common reference standard of good practice.
The Guideline is structured in two parts. In the first part, general information concerning definitions and requirements to safely enter and work in confined spaces are summarised.
The second part helps the worker to recognise the hazards associated with confined spaces and gives detailed guidelines for a safe survey preparation and entry.
A checklist for entry into confined spaces is also included.
Title: Confined Space Safe Practice (IACS Rec 72)
Number of Pages: 83
Product Code: WS1563K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-753-6 (9781856097536), ISBN 10: 1-85609-753-6 (1856097536)
Published Date: May 2019
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 234 mm
Book Width: 155 mm
Book Spine: 5 mm
Weight: 0.30 kg