This illustrated Italian/English dictionary, now in its sixth edition, translates the most common seafaring terms in use today, with reference to the IMO’s SMCP. It also includes an extensive abbreviations section.
The dictionary contains all of the most common terms relevant to seafaring: shipbuilding, navigation (celestial, electronic, hyperbolic, plain navigation), marine engines, thermodynamics, instrumentation, automation and on board systems, machine tools, types of vessels, maritime trade, coastal and deep-sea sailing, fishing and sailing.
It includes Standard Marine Communication Phrases connected with safety in ship-shore shore-ship and internship communications. There is also a list of approximately 4,000 maritime acronyms and abbreviations, an extensive reference section and essential on board forms and checklists.
English – Italian iii
Preface v
Guide to using the Dictionary vii
About the Author vii
List of Abbreviations used viii
English – Italian A – Z 1
Abbreviations and Acronyms 243
Italiano – Inglese 315
Prefazione 317
Guida alla consultazione 318
L’autore 318
Lista delle abbreviazioni usate 319
Italian – English A – Z 321
Irregular verbs/Verbi irregolari 518
Appendix/Appendice 522
Forms and Checklists 567
Title: Dictionary of Maritime Terms English-Italian-English, 6th Edition
Subtitle: Including SMCP and Common Maritime Acronyms and Abbreviations
Number of Pages: 640
Product Code: WS1739K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-892-2 (9781856098922), ISBN 10: 1-85609-892-3 (1856098923)
Published Date: March 2020
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 234 mm
Book Width: 156 mm
Book Spine: 30 mm
Weight: 1.50 kg
Author: Pietro del Rosso