This book is designed to mentor, train and test the seafarer on all ECDIS aspects from basic safety knowledge to an expert level. It is an ideal solution to log your journey, career development and experience as digital navigation continues to evolve. This record book supersedes ‘ECDIS Record of Training and Familiarisation’ (2016) and ‘ECDIS Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Log’ (2014).
Career progression is at the heart of all professional seafarers. We strive to be the very best. Technology is not slowing down, and since the first generation of ECDIS in the 1977 we have seen a dramatic increase in equipment performance and capability. We are now at the fifth generation of ECDIS with S-100 a reality, not a future dream. The challenge is to remain the master of the equipment and not allow it to drive our standards. To do this, we must understand every element of how it works. Any seafarer using ECDIS, from a newly qualified OOW to an experienced Master, needs to keep up with this evolution. Continual professional development allows the seafarer to build on their foundation knowledge and remain at the top of their game.
Foreword by UK Chamber of Shipping
About ECDIS Ltd
Record of ECDIS Training and Experience
Table 1 Practical Experience of ECDIS at Sea
Table 2 Record of Generic ECDIS Training
Table 3 Record of Type-Specific ECDIS Training
Table 4 Record of Onboard ECDIS Familiarisation Training
Table 5 Advanced and Other ECDIS Courses
Table 6 ECDIS Computer-Based Training (CBT)
IMO 1.27 ECDIS Exams
Recap on Principles of ECDIS
ECDIS Legal Compliance
Understanding the Display
Sensors, Alarms and Redundancy
Questions on ECDIS that are known to have been asked during STCW
Competency Exams or during onboard audits
OOW Examination Level
Mates/Masters Examination Level
PSC/Audit Inspection Top Questions
PSC/Audit Competency Assurance Demonstrations
Flag/Class and Superintendent Audit Checks
Onboard ECDIS Familiarisation Training
New Joiner ECDIS SMS Checklist
Full Equipment and ECDIS Operator Approval Checklist
IHO ECDIS Publication checklist
S-52 Chart Symbology Test
At Sea, Navigator Led Team Training
Multiple Choice and Consolidation Test
Log of Onboard Competency in ECDIS
Menu Structure and Functions
System Configuration
Chart Loading, Installation and Updating
Chart Settings and Display Setup
Safety Settings
Route Planning
User Map and Manual Updates
Route Monitoring
Alarms and Warnings
This record book supersedes ‘ECDIS Record of Training and Familiarisation’ (2016) and ‘ECDIS Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Log’ (2014).
This record book has two purposes.
It is your definitive career record of ECDIS qualifications and experience.
It will guide you through all your career exams on ECDIS including promotional assessment, STCW exams, oral exams and ship inspections.
With over 30 ECDIS systems on the market you will work on different ECDIS systems at various stages of your career and it is likely that you will need to operate multiple software versions from the same manufacturer. On board ship you will need to record experience and qualifications as part of your documentary evidence of ECDIS use and refresh yourself with these systems in the future.
To use this book correctly it is vital that you record for every type specific make and model you work with and where possible keep a copy of your qualification inside this book. Before attending any navigation training courses, exams, or inspections ensure you review the appropriate section within this book.
In the future you may be asked to provide evidence of your experience. This is often when being interviewed to join a new company/ship, as part of a promotion process or during ship inspections. Therefore, keeping this record book up to date and ready for presentation is of importance for your career.
Documenting your ECDIS related experience and certification in addition to taking the time to learn and complete the self assessment tests in this record book will contribute towards creating a comprehensive record of your ECDIS experience, ECDIS qualifications and continued professional development.
Subtitle: A personal record of qualifications, service and training including preparation for ECDIS exams
Edition: Second
Number of Pages: 110
Product Code: WS1732K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-861-8 (9781856098618), ISBN 10: 1-85609-861-3 (1856098613)
Published Date: October 2019
Binding Format: Hardback