Effective management of health, safety and environmental protection is critical to the tanker industry. This Sixth Edition of ISGOTT has been revised and updated by industry experts to provide essential guidance on current technology, best practice and legislation. It remains the definitive reference for the safe operation of oil tankers and the marine terminals they visit.
ISGOTT was first published in 1978 by combining the Tanker Safety Guide (Petroleum) published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Oil Tanker and Terminal Safety Guide published on behalf of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). This Sixth Edition updates and replaces the 2006 Fifth Edition and has been reviewed by OCIMF and ICS together with the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH). Support has also been provided by other industry associations, including INTERTANKO, the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) and the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF), as well as specialists in topics such as human factors.
The authors believe that ISGOTT continues to provide the best technical guidance on oil tanker and terminal operations. All operators are urged to ensure that the recommendations in this Sixth Edition are fully understood and are incorporated in safety management systems and procedures.
This new edition covers a range of topical issues including gas detection, the toxicity and the toxic effects of petroleum products (including benzene and hydrogen sulphide), the generation of static electricity and stray currents, fire protection and the growing use of mobile electronic technology.
In addition, the opportunity was taken to include new topics or to significantly reappraise topics previously covered that have undergone a shift in emphasis since the Fifth Edition. These include:
•Enclosed space entry
•Human factors
•Safety Management Systems (SMSs), including complementary tools and processes such as permits to work, risk assessment, Lock-out/Tag-out (LO/TO), Stop Work Authority (SWA) and their linkage to the underlying principles of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
•Marine terminal administration and the critical importance of the tanker/terminal interface
•Alternative and emerging technologies
•Bunkering operations, including the use of alternative fuels such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
•Cargo inspections
•Alignment with OCIMF’s recently revised Mooring Equipment Guidelines
•Maritime security and linkage to both the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and industry’s maritime security Best Management Practices (BMP).
The Ship/Shore Safety and Bunkering Operations Checklists have also been completely revised to reflect changes in the understanding of the impact of human factors in their effective use.
The Sixth Edition retains the four-section format of:
•General Information
•Tanker Information
•Terminal Information
•Ship/Shore (Tanker/Terminal) Interface.
However, the layout has been significantly improved to make the book easier to navigate, with the addition of coloured sections and tabs. The text is supported throughout with new and updated illustrations.
Chapter 1 Basic Properties and Hazards of Petroleum
Vapour pressure
True Vapour Pressure
Reid Vapour Pressure
General Flammable limits
The effect of Inert Gas on flammability
Tests for flammability
Flammability classification of petroleum
Density of hydrocarbon gases Toxicity
Liquid petroleum
Petroleum gases
Safety Data Sheets
Benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons
Hydrogen sulphide
Cargo and bunker residues
Gasolines containing tetraethyl lead or tetramethyl lead Biofuels
Inert Gas
Oxygen deficiency
Pyrophoric iron sulphide
Pyrophoric oxidation Formation of pyrophors
Preventing pyrophoric ignition in inerted cargo tanks
The hazards associated with handling, storing and carrying residual fuel oils
The nature of the hazard
Flashpoint and headspace flammability measurement
Precautionary measures
Hydrogen sulphide hazard in residual fuel oils
Chapter 2 Gas Evolution and Measurement
Hydrocarbon gas evolution and dispersion
Gas evolution and venting
Gas dispersion
Minimising hazards from vented gas
Loading very high vapour pressure cargoes
Gas evolution
Special precautions with very high vapour pressure cargoes
Volatile Organic Compounds Gas measurement
Provision of gas measurement instruments
Gas measurement instruments
Instruments for measuring hydrocarbon concentration Instruments for measuring oxygen concentrations Instruments for measuring toxic gases
Technologies used to measure flammable atmospheres, toxic vapours and oxygen
Testing and calibrating gas measurement instruments
Gas measurement instrument alarms
Gas sample lines
Filters in sample lines
Gas sample procedures
Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems on tankers
Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems in terminals
Chapter 3 Static Electricity
Principles of electrostatics
Charge separation Charge accumulation
Electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic properties of gases and mists
General precautions against electrostatic hazards
Overview Bonding
Avoiding loose conductive objects Filters
Fixed equipment in tanks
Free fall in tanks
Water mists
Inert Gas
Other possible sources of electrostatic hazards
Discharge of carbon dioxide
Clothing and footwear
Synthetic materials
Chapter 4 Managing Hazards and Risks for Ship and Terminal
Management system
Risk management
Risk assessment
Hierarchy of controls
Marine interface risks
Management of Change
Stop Work Authority Lock-out/Tag-out
Control of hazardous energy
Hazardous energy
Hazardous energy controls
Simultaneous Operations
Managing Simultaneous Operations
Decision matrix
Matrix of permitted operations
Permit to work systems
Permit to work systems – structure
Permit to work systems – principles of operation
Permit to work forms
Work planning meetings
Toolbox talks
Personal safety
Personal Protective Equipment Slip, trip and fall hazards Asbestos
Personal hygiene
Preventing fire and explosion Control of potential ignition sources
Naked lights Smoking Smoking at sea
Smoking in port and controlled smoking Location of designated smoking places
Matches and cigarette lighters
Electronic or e-cigarettes
Galley stoves and cooking appliances
Funnel emissions
Spontaneous combustion Auto-ignition
Equipment made of aluminium
Cathodic protection anodes in cargo tanks
Electrical equipment and installations in hazardous areas
General Hazardous areas
Hazardous areas on a tanker
Hazardous areas at a terminal
Sources of ignition from electrical equipment
Standards of electrical equipment for use in hazardous areas
Inspection, maintenance and testing of electrical equipment
Changes to electrical equipment and systems
Electrical repairs, maintenance and testing at terminals
Portable electrical and electronic equipment
Electrical equipment on flexible cables
Air-driven lamps
Torches, lamps and portable battery powered equipment
Mobile telephones and pagers
Other portable electrical equipment
Lithium batteries
Communications equipment
Ship’s radio equipment
Tanker radar equipment
Automatic Identification Systems Landline
General Hand tools
Electrical tools
Mechanically powered tools and grit blasting
Hydroblasting (high pressure water washing)
Theory of firefighting
Types of fire and appropriate extinguishing agents
Extinguishing agents
Cooling agents
Smothering agents
Flame inhibiting agents
Clean agent fire suppression systems
Inert Gas system
Portable fire extinguishers International shore fire connection
Water borne firefighting equipment
Protective clothing
Automatic fire detection systems
Types of fire detectors Selection of fire detectors
Fire detection and alarm systems in terminals
Chapter 6 Security
Threat and risk assessment
Security risk assessments
Cyber safety and security
Security plans
Responsibilities under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
Chapter 7 Human Factors
Identification and analysis of Safety Critical Tasks Design
Risk assessment Procedures Leadership
Confidence to stop work or speak up Fatigue
Manning levels
Individual training, experience and competence Practising team skills
Human factors in investigation and learning
Chapter 8 Alternative and Emerging Technologies
Due diligence process
Formal safety risk assessments
Stakeholder engagement
Chapter 9 Management of Safety and Emergencies
The International Safety Management (ISM)
Code Safety Management Systems
Work planning and permit to work systems
Hot work
Definition of hot work
Control of hot work
Hot work inside a designated space
Hot work outside a designated space
Hot work in dangerous or hazardous areas
Electric welding equipment
Other hazardous tasks
Management of contractors
Managing Simultaneous Operations
Hazards on ships with exposed transverse frames
Manifold platform
Sampling and measurement points
Repairs at a facility other than a shipyard
Supervision and control
Pre-arrival planning
Mooring arrangements
Shore facilities
Work planning meetings
Permits to work
Tank condition
Cargo lines
Firefighting precautions
Hot work
Shipboard emergency management
Tanker emergency plan
Action in an emergency
Chapter 10 Enclosed Spaces
Introduction to enclosed space entry safety
Safety management for entering enclosed spaces
Managing controlled entry into enclosed spaces Managing enclosed spaces not planned for entry
Identifying enclosed spaces
The hazards of enclosed space atmospheres
Oxygen deficiency
Presence of toxic and/or flammable gases
Risk from Inert Gas including nitrogen
Oxygen enrichment
General precautions
Authorization of entry
Requirements for enclosed space entry
Control of entry into enclosed spaces
Atmosphere tests before entry
Enclosed space entry permit
Precautions during entry into enclosed spaces
Work in enclosed spaces
General requirements
Opening equipment and fittings Use of tools
Use of electric lights and electrical equipment
Removal of sludge, scale and sediment
Use of work boats
Entering enclosed spaces with atmospheres known or suspected to be unsafe
Rescue and evacuation from enclosed spaces
Evacuation from enclosed spaces
Organising rescue and recovery from enclosed spaces
Cargo pumproom entry precautions
Cargo pumproom entry procedures
Cargo pumproom ventilation
Respiratory Protective Equipment
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Air-line breathing apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Device
Equipment maintenance
Breathing apparatus training
Chapter 11 Shipboard Systems
Fixed Inert Gas systems
Sources of Inert Gas
Composition and quality of Inert Gas
Methods of replacing tank atmospheres
Cargo tank atmosphere control
Use during cargo tank operations
Precautions to be taken to avoid health hazards
Cargo tank protection against over/under pressure
Product carriers fitted with an Inert Gas system
Cold weather precautions for Inert Gas systems
Inert Gas system failure
Emergency Inert Gas supply
Inert Gas plant repairs
Venting systems
Tank over pressurisation or under pressurisation
Cargo and ballast systems
Operation manual
Cargo and ballast system integrity Loading rates
Monitoring of void and ballast spaces
Power and propulsion systems
Vapour recovery systems
Volatile Organic Compound recovery systems
Stern loading and discharging arrangements
Chapter 12 Shipboard Operations
Cargo operations
Setting of lines and valves
Valve operation
Pressure surges
Butterfly and Non-Return (check) Valves Loading procedures
Loading static accumulator oils
Loading very high vapour pressure cargoes Loading cargoes containing hydrogen sulphide
Benzene and mercury
Loading heated products/cold oil cargoes Loading over the top (or loading overall)
Discharging procedures
Pipeline and hose clearing after cargo operations
Pumproom operational precautions
Stability, stress, trim and sloshing considerations
Free surface effects
Heavy weather ballast
Loading and discharge planning
Intact and damage stability
Tank cleaning
Tank washing risk management
Supervision and preparation
Tank atmospheres
Tank washing
Precautions for tank washing
Wash water analysis
Gas freeing
Gas free for entry
Procedures and precautions
Gas testing and measurement
Fixed gas freeing equipment
Portable fans
Ventilating double hull ballast tanks
Gas freeing in preparation for hot work
Crude Oil Washing
General Advance notice
Tank washing machines
Control of tank atmosphere
Precautions against leaks from the washing system
Avoiding oil and water mixtures
Isolating the tank cleaning heater
Ballast operations
Loading cargo tank ballast
Loading segregated ballast
Discharging segregated ballast
Ballast water exchange at sea
Cargo leaks into double hull tanks
Action to be taken
Inerting double hull tanks
Cargo measurement, ullaging, dipping and sampling
Measuring and sampling non-inerted tanks
Measuring and sampling inerted tanks
Measuring and sampling cargoes containing toxic substances
Closed gauging for custody transfer
Cargo tank monitoring systems
Transfers between ships
Ship to Ship transfers
Ship to barge and barge to ship transfers
Ship to Ship transfers using vapour balancing
Ship to Ship transfers using terminal facilities
Ship to Ship electric currents
Personnel transfer
Liquefied Natural Gas fuelled ship alongside a terminal Lifting equipment
Inspection and maintenance
Chapter 13 Carrying and Storing Hazardous Materials
Liquefied gases
Ship’s stores
Cleaning liquids
Spare gear storage
Cargo and bunker samples
Sample disposal
Sample storage
Other materials
Sawdust, oil absorbent granules and pads
Linseed and other oils
Packaged cargoes
Petroleum and other flammable liquids
Dangerous goods
Entering holds and storage spaces
Portable electrical equipment
Smothering type fire-extinguishing systems
Firefighting precautions
Forecastle spaces and midship stores
Deck cargo
Chapter 14 Special Ship Types
Combination carriers
General guidance
Slack holds in combination carriers
Longitudinal stress
Venting of cargo holds
Inerting of holds
Hatch covers
Tank washing
Carriage of slops when trading as a dry bulk carrier
Cargo leakage into ballast tanks
Testing of cargo tanks and enclosed spaces on dry bulk voyages
Cargo changeover checklists
PART 3 Marine Terminal Information
Chapter 15 Marine Terminal Administration
Marine Terminal Information System
Marine Terminal Particulars
Marine Terminal Management and Self Assessment
Marine Terminal Operator Competence and Training
Terminal operating manual
Terminal Information
Booklet Documentation
Chapter 16 Marine Terminal Operations
Limiting conditions for operations
Risk assessment
Electrical storms
Double banking
Tanker/terminal access
Provision of tanker/terminal access
Access equipment
Alternative means of tanker/terminal access
Routine maintenance
Over the tide cargo operations
Discharging over the tide
Loading over the tide
Operations where the tanker is not always afloat
Generation of pressure surges in pipelines
Generation of a pressure surge
Reduction of pressure surge hazard
General precautions
Operational measures to reduce the risk of a pressure surge
Hot work in hazardous areas in terminals
Chapter 17 Marine Terminal Systems and Equipment
Electrical equipment
Lifting equipment
Inspection and maintenance
Training in the use of lifting equipment
Use of tanker lifting equipment
Tanker/terminal electrical isolation
Tanker to terminal electric currents
Sea islands
Tanker/terminal bonding cables
Insulating flange
Earthing and bonding practice in the terminal
Chapter 18 Cargo Transfer Equipment
Marine Loading Arms
Operating envelope
Forces on manifolds
Tanker manifold restrictions
Parking of arms
Ice formation
Mechanical couplers
Wind forces
Precautions when connecting and disconnecting
Marine Loading Arms Precautions while Marine Loading Arms are connected
Powered Emergency Release Couplings
Inspection, testing and maintenance
Cargo hoses
Types and applications
Flow velocities
Inspection, testing and maintenance requirements for cargo hoses
Hose flange standards
Operating conditions
Extended storage
Handling, lifting and suspending
Adjustment during cargo handling operations
Submarine and floating hose strings
Hoses used in Ship to Ship transfers
Electrical isolation
Vapour Emission Control Systems
Cargo transfer drainage and containment
Marine Loading Arm/hose clearing
Jetty deck containment
Hydrocarbon sump tanks
Emergency Shutdown systems
Chapter 19 Marine Terminal Fire Protection
Marine terminal fire protection
Fire proofing
Location and spacing of fire detectors
Fire-extinguishing system compatibility
Alarm and signalling systems
Types of alarm systems
Alarm and signalling systems
Electric power sources
Detection and alarm systems at terminals
Control rooms/control buildings
Firefighting equipment
Terminal firefighting equipment
Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers and monitors
Terminal fixed firefighting equipment
Access for firefighting services
Chapter 20 Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation
Hierarchy of emergency scenarios
Hierarchy of emergencies
Local emergency
Terminal emergency
Major emergency
Assessing risks
Credible emergency scenarios
Terminal emergency planning – plan components and procedures
Alarms and communications
Site plans and maps
Access to equipment
Road traffic movement and control
Outside services
Harbour authorities, vessel traffic control centres, police and fire services
Rescue launches
Medical facilities
Spill response plan
Tiered response
Resource availability
Emergency evacuation and personnel escape routes
T-head jetties and finger piers
Sea islands
Tanker evacuation
Non-essential personnel
Primary and secondary escape routes
Availability of rescue craft
Survival craft
Lifesaving appliances
Training for emergencies and emergency exercises
Emergency removal of tanker from berth
PART 4 Ship/Shore (Tanker/Terminal) Interface
Chapter 21 Communications
Procedures and precautions
Communications equipment
Communications procedures
Compliance with terminal and local regulations
Pre-arrival exchange of information
Security information Terminal to tanker
Tanker to terminal
Pre-berthing exchange of information
Tanker to terminal and/or pilot Terminal and/or pilot to tanker
Pre-transfer conference
Tanker to terminal
Terminal to tanker
Agreed loading plan
Agreed discharge plan
Agreement to carry out repairs
Repairs on the tanker
Repairs on the terminal (communication)
Using tools while a tanker is alongside a terminal
Chapter 22 Mooring and Berthing
Mooring safety
Security of moorings
Preparations for arrival
Tanker’s mooring equipment
Terminal mooring equipment
Use of tugs
Emergency use of tugs
Berthing at jetty berths
Type and quality of mooring lines
Management of moorings when alongside berth
Berthing at buoy moorings
Mooring Masters
Mooring at Multi Buoy Moorings Mooring at Single Point Moorings
Management of moorings at buoy berths
Chapter 23 Tanker and Terminal Precautions for Cargo Operations
External openings in superstructures
Central air conditioning and ventilation systems
Openings in cargo tanks
Cargo tank lids
Sighting, ullage ports and segregated ballast tank lids
Cargo tank vent outlets
Tank washing openings
Inspecting a tanker’s cargo tanks before loading
Marine cargo inspectors
Independent cargo inspection companies
Cargo inspection training and accreditation
Safe working in terminals and on tankers
Tanker and terminal cargo connections
Flange connections
Removing blank flanges
Reducers and spool pieces
Spills and leaks
Checks on quantity during cargo handling
Sea and overboard discharge valves
Scupper plugs
Spill containment
Tanker and terminal cargo and bunker pipelines not in use Loading at terminals with Vapour Emission Control Systems
Firefighting while the ship is alongside a terminal
Firefighting while in proximity to other ships
Tankers at adjacent berths
General cargo ships at adjacent berths
Tanker operations at general cargo berths
Tugs and other craft alongside
Notices on the tanker
Notices on the terminal
Manning requirements
Control of vehicles and other equipment Helicopter operations
Preparation by the bunker supplier, including the bunker vessel operator
Bunkering safety management
Bunker procedures
Bunkering residual fuel oil or distillates
Liquefied Natural Gas fuelled ships and Liquefied Natural Gas bunkering
Liquefied Natural Gas bunkering processes and procedures
Transfer equipment requirements for Liquefied Natural Gas bunkering
Additional information for Liquefied Natural Gas as a fuel and Liquefied Natural Gas bunkering
Ancillary substances Alternative fuels Bunker checklists
Bunkering checklist for residual fuel oil and distillates
The principles of the bunker checklist for residual fuel oil and distillates
The composition of the bunker checklist for residual fuel oil and distillates
Instructions for completing the bunker checklist
24.7 Liquefied Natural Gas bunkering safety checklists
Chapter 25 The Ship/Shore Safety Checklist
Composition of the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist
Example safety letter
Instructions for completing the Ship/Shore
ISGOTT was first published in 1978 by combining the Tanker Safety Guide (Petroleum) published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Oil Tanker and Terminal Safety Guide published on behalf of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). This Sixth Edition updates and replaces the 2006 Fifth Edition and has been reviewed by OCIMF and ICS together with the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH). Support has also been provided by other industry associations, including INTERTANKO, the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) and the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF), as well as specialists in topics such as human factors.
The authors believe that ISGOTT continues to provide the best technical guidance on oil tanker and terminal operations. All operators are urged to ensure that the recommendations in this Sixth Edition are fully understood and are incorporated in safety management systems and procedures.
This new edition covers a range of topical issues including gas detection, the toxicity and the toxic effects of petroleum products (including benzene and hydrogen sulphide), the generation of static electricity and stray currents, fire protection and the growing use of mobile electronic technology.
In addition, the opportunity was taken to include new topics or to significantly reappraise topics previously covered that have undergone a shift in emphasis since the Fifth Edition. These include:
•Enclosed space entry •Human factors
•Safety Management Systems (SMSs), including complementary tools and processes such as permits to work, risk assessment, Lock-out/Tag-out (LO/TO), Stop Work Authority (SWA) and their linkage to the underlying principles of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
•Marine terminal administration and the critical importance of the tanker/terminal interface
•Alternative and emerging technologies
•Bunkering operations, including the use of alternative fuels such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
•Cargo inspections •Alignment with OCIMF’s recently revised Mooring Equipment Guidelines •Maritime security and linkage to both the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and industry’s maritime security Best Management Practices (BMP).
The Ship/Shore Safety and Bunkering Operations Checklists have also been completely revised to reflect changes in the understanding of the impact of human factors in their effective use.
The Sixth Edition retains the four-section format of:
•General Information
•Tanker Information
•Terminal Information
•Ship/Shore (Tanker/Terminal) Interface.
However, the layout has been significantly improved to make the book easier to navigate, with the addition of coloured sections and tabs. The text is supported throughout with new and updated illustrations.
Title: ISGOTT, 6th Edition International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
Number of Volumes: 1
Product Code: WS1683K
Published Date: June 2020
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 303 mm
Book Width: 215 mm
Book Spine: 28 mm
Weight: 2.40 kg