The latest edition of the standard work on marine insurance. This book combines description of the practice with the principles on which the practice is based, and sound knowledge of the way the business is conducted.
This sixth edition of the standard work on marine insurance will appeal to everybody concerned with marine insurance.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Commercial Need for Insurance
Introduction to Marine Insurance
Definition of Marine Insurance
The Fundamental Principles
The Documentary Credits System
Export Credits Guarantee
Quantitative and Qualitative Control
Safe Contracts and relevant Cargo Insurance Contracts
Need to Insure
Marine Insurance Categories
The Marine Insurance At. 1906.
Chapter 2 London Insurance Markets and Associations
Introduction to Lloyds Marine Insurance Market
Lloyd’s Underwriting memebers
Lloyd’s Memebership Chain of Security from 1998
Lloyds Corporate Membership
Lloyds Underwriting Agents and Syndication
Lloyd’s Council, Committee and Regulatory Boards
The Corporation of Lloyd’s
Security in a Lloyd’s Policy
Lloyd’s Underwriters’ Association
Lloyd’s Agents and the Intelligence Service
Lloyd’s Single Market
The London Marine Insurance Company Market
The Institute of London Underwriters
Markets Outside London
Insurance Brokers and Brokers’ Associations
Marine Insurance Company Agents
Chapter 3 Insurable Interest
Definition of Insurable Interest
Attachment of Interest
Partial Interest
Lost or Not Lost
Proprietary Interest
Cargo Interests
Consignee’s Interest
Cargo Owner’s Liability Interest
Hull Interests
Incidental Interests
PPI Policies
Underwriter’s Insurable Interest
Double Insurance
Chapter 4 Good Faith and Warranties
The Principle of Good Faith
Disclosure and Non-Disclosure
Representation and Misrepresentation
Introduction to Marine Insurance Warranties
Express Warranties
Implied Warranties
Chapter 5 The Principle & Proximate Cause & Marine Insurance Perils
The Principle of Proximate Cause
Perils in an SG Policy Form
Extraneous Risks
Risks Covered in a Contract Based on the MAR form of Policy
Statutory Exclusions
Customary Policy Exclusions
Perils Not Covered by a Marine Insurance Policy
Chapter 6 Partial and Total Loss
Particular Average and FPA Conditions
Introduction to Partial Loss
Partial Loss of Goods
Partial Loss of Ship
Partial Loss of Freight
Introduction to Total Loss
Introduction to Actual Total Loss
Actual Total Loss of Goods
Actual Total Loss of Ship
Missing Ship
Introduction to Constructive Total Loss
Constructive Total Loss of Goods
Constructive Total Loss of Freight
Effect of Abandonment
Notice of Abandonment
Compromised or Arranged Total Loss of Ship
Chapter 7 The Marine Insurance Policy
The Need for a Policy
The SG Form of Policy
Ambiguity in Policy Wording
The MAR form of Policy
J and J(A) Policy Forms
Slip Policies
Stamp Duty and Taxes
Valued and Unvalued Policies
Increased Value Policies
Floating Policies
PPI Policies
Chapter 8 Marine Policy Conditions
Basic Cover in a Marine Insurance Contract
Franchises and Deductibles
Limited Terms Insurance Contracts
Cargo FPA Conditions (SG Policy)
Cargo FPA Conditions and Current Practice
Hull and Machinery FPA Conditions (SG Policy)
Hull and Machinery FOD Conditions (SG Policy)
Hull and Machinery TLO Conditions
Cargo WA Conditions (SG Policy)
Cargo “All Risks” Cover and Policy Deductibles
Freight at Risk Insurance
Introduction to War Risks Insurance
Cargo War Risks Conditions
Cargo Strikes, etc. Risks Conditions
Hull War & Strikes Risks Conditions
Chapter 9 Attachment and Termination of Cover
Attachment of Cover where Ship Insured for a Voyage (SG Policy)
Attachment of Cover where Ship Insured for a Voyage (MAR Policy)
Voyage Variations
Excuses for Deviation and Delay in Prosecution of Voyage
Termination of Cover where Ship Insured by a Voyage Policy
Period Covered by a Hull Time Policy
Termination of Cover for Ship Insured by a Time Policy
Cargo Voyage Policies
Warehouse to Warehouse Cover and the Transit Clause
Cargo Open Cover
Cargo War Risks Cover
Transhipment of Goods
Chapter 10 Effecting a Marine Insurance Contract
Direct Placing
Broker Placing
The Placing Ship
Market Leaders and Written Lines
Observing Good Faith in Practice
Reducing Lines and Closing the Risk
The Original Slip, Off Slips and Brokers’ Covernotes
Brokers’ Office Procedures
Signing Slips and Policies
Chapter 11 Premiums, Additional Premiums and Returnable Premiums
The Premium Rate
Payment of Premium
Broker’s Responsibility for Premium Payment
Delay in Premium Payment
Receipt of Premium (SG Policy)
Brokerage and Discounts
Deferred Premiums
Additional Premiums
Returnable Premiums
Insolvency of Insurer
Chapter 12 Measure of Indemnity
Total Loss
Partial Loss of Ship
Partial Loss of Freight
Partial Loss of Goods
Salvage Loss Settlements
Chapter 13 Sue & Labour, Salvage, Subrogation and Double Insurance
Introduction to Sue and Labour
Sue and Labour Clause (SG Policy)
Duty of Assured Clause
Effect of Under-Insurance on Sue and Labour Charges
Sue & Labour in Modern Practice
Sue and Labour Charges
Particular Charges
Salvage and Salvage Charges
Lloyd’s Salvage Agreement
Subrogation Rights
Letter of Subrogation
Double Insurance
Chapter 14 Marine Liability Insurance and Negligence
Introduction to Marine Liability Insurance
Contractual Liability
Third Party Liability
Shipowners’ Liabilities
Statutory Limitation of Liability
Collision Liability (Hull)
Running Down Clause
Cargo Owner’s Liabilities
Both to Blame Collision Clause
Inchmaree Clause (1970)
Negligence Cover (1995)
Chapter 15 General Average Principles and The York/Antwerp Rules
Origins of General Average
Intoduction to General Average
The Purpose of General Average
Average Adjusters and Adjustments
Introduction to the York/Antwerp Rules
The York/Antwerp Rules 1994 and the Rules of Practice
Chapter 16 General Average Procedures, Documentation, Adjustments and Underwriters Liability for General Average
Procedures and Documentation
General Average Security
General Average Bond
Banks and Binding Companies
Underwriters’ Guarantee
General Average Deposit
Average Disbursements
General Average Adjustments
Contributory Values
More than One GA Act in same Voyage
Salvage Prior to GA act in Same Voyage
Underwriters’ Liability for General Average
Statutory Liability
Direct Claim for GA Sacrifice
Cargo Sacrifice
Ship Sacrifice
Freight in GA Sacrifice of Goods
Subrogation Rights in GA Sacrifice
GA Expenditure
GA Contribution
Title: Marine Insurance Volume 1: Principles/Basic Practice, 6th Edition
Number of Pages: 408
Product Code: 4405Q003
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-150-3 (9781856091503), ISBN 10: 1-85609-150-3 (1856091503)
Published Date: September 1998
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 220 mm
Book Width: 140 mm
Book Spine: 30 mm
Weight: 0.70 kg