nv-charts Reg. 16.1, Bermuda Islands, Passages US East Coast, Caribbean, Europe
Format: Kombipack Papier / Digital download and App- Passage Charts
- Coastal Charts
- Details
- GPS Charted Waypoints & Approaches
- This Chart Region is based on BA data with a new layout, clear cartography and international chart standards
- Standardized chart scales - passage charts 1:340,000 - 1:7,500,000 coastal charts 1:90,000 and detail charts 1:20,000 or less The nv charts are characterized by fine contours and easy to distinguish color graduations of the depth lines. The importance of good graphical representation of the topography when sailing is essential. Well marked rivers, towns and street plans all help to give a clear overall view of the shore side facilities of the islands. In waters soundings and heights are given in meters. Large scale approaches and land contour markings simplify the entrance into anchorages.