Ship Efficiency: The Guide, 2nd Edition

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SKU 9780956825902
Publisher Witherby Seamanship International
ISBN 9780956825902
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This comprehensive publication critically examines all of the ship fuel and emissions saving technologies within the maritime industry, profiles the companies providing them and assesses their viability.


The guide presents comprehensive wealth of information including:

  • A full profile and critique of over 220 products, in over 60 technology categories from more than 100 providers;
  • In-depth analysis of eco-efficiency technology principles
  • Listings by Technology and Company
  • Fuel savings claims and supporting verification
  • Potential Return on Investment data
  • Brand new chapter - Energy Management Software Solutions
  • The technologies that can be retrofitted
  • BIMCO GHG and emissions regulatory overview



Xi Welcome

Howard Fireman, Vice President, Operational and Environmental Performance, American Bureau of Shipping  

Xii IMO’s work on ship efficiency

Andreas Chrysostomou, Chairman,

Marine Environmental Protection Committee  

Xiii Ship emission regulation


Technical chapters

1. Ship design

2. Propulsion

3. Machinery

4. Strategies

5. Monitoring

6. Scrubbers


The Directory


1. Ship Design

1.1 Operations

1.1.1 Whole of Ship Designs

1.1.2 Larger Ships

1.1.3 Optimisation of Ballast and Trim

1.2 Technology

1.2.1 Optimisation of Hull Dimensions

1.2.2 Optimisation of Hull Openings

1.2.3 Shaft Line Arrangement

1.2.4 Bulbous Bow

1.2.5 Optimisation of Propeller/

Hull Interface

1.2.6 Lightweight Construction

1.2.7 Air Lubrication

1.2.8 Design Speed Reduction

1.2.9 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

1.2.10 Aerodynamics of Superstructure


2. Propulsion

2.1 Operations - Propulsion Efficiency

Monitoring with Condition

-based Maintenance

2.2 Propulsion Upgrades – Retrofit

2.3 Rudder Modifications

2.3.1 Costa Bulb

2.3.2 Optimised Rudder

2.3.4 Rudder Fins

2.3.5 Vortex Generator Fins

2.4 Propeller Modifications

2.4.1 Advanced Propeller Blade Sections

2.4.2 Nozzles

2.4.3 Nozzles and Ducts

2.4.4 Propeller Boss Fin Cap

2.4.5 Propeller Adjustments

2.5 Propulsion Upgrades – Newbuild

2.5.1 Wing Thrusters

2.5.2 Contra-Rotating Propellers

2.5.3 Pulling Thrusters

2.5.4 Electric Grid Systems

2.6 Additional Propulsion Methods -

Wind Power

2.6.1 Towing Kites

2.6.2 Fixed Sails

2.6.3 Flettner Rotors

2.6.4 Traditional Sailing Ships

2.7 Additional Propulsion Methods - Other

2.7.1 Batteries and Fuel Cells


3. Machinery

3.1 Technology

3.1.1 Main Engine Adjustments

3.1.2 Diesel-Electric Drive

3.1.3 Main Engine Tuning

3.1.4 Advanced power management

3.1.5 Speed Control of Pumps and Fans

3.1.6 Enhanced Power Management

3.1.7 Hybrid Auxiliary Power

3.1.8 Waste Heat Recovery (WHR)

3.1.9 Reducing On-board Power Demand

3.1.10 Solar Power

4. Strategies

4.1 Operational

4.1.1 Voyage Optimisation

4.1.2 Weather Routing

4.1.3 Increase Cargo Load Factor

4.2 Technology

4.2.1 Hull Surface Coating

4.2.2 Hull Cleaning

4.2.3 Fuel Additives

4.2.4 Engine Lubricants

4.2.5 Water Emulsion Fuel

4.2.6 Catalysts

4.2.7 Biofuels


5. Energy Management Software Solutions

5.1 Overview of Energy Management

Software Solutions

5.2 Comprehensive Energy Management

Software Solutions

5.3 Fleet Performance

5.4 Engine/Machinery Monitoring

5.5 Hull/Propeller/Rudder Monitoring

5.6 Crew Training


6. Scrubbers

6.1 Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

6.1.1 Introduction

6.1.2 Regulatory Background

6.1.3 Return on Investment

6.1.4 Types of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

6.1.5 Operating Considerations

6.1.6 Certification

6.1.7 Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems

6.2 System Providers 



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