This Volume contains a summary of chart corrections originally issued in the Notice to Mariners up to the date of this edition. For corrections issued subsequent to the date of this edition, the Notice to Mariners must still be consulted. This publication is not required to be maintained intact. Portions of it may be separated for correction or attachment to an affected product.

The Summary of Corrections are divided into five volumes. Volumes 1 through 4 contain corrections to regionallynumbered charts. Volume 5 contains corrections to world and ocean basin charts, and corrections to navigationalpublications. The detailed coverage of each Volume is listed below
- Volume 1: East Coast of North and South America(Subregions 11 through 15 and 23 through 28).
- Volume 2: Eastern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, Including the Mediterranean Sea(Regions 3, 4 and 5).
- Volume 3: Eastern Pacific Ocean, Antarctica, Indian Ocean and Australasia(Subregions 16 through 19, 21, 22, and 29, and Regions 6 and 7).
- Volume 4: Western Pacific Ocean(Regions 8 and 9)
- Volume 5: World and Ocean Basin Charts, U.S. Coast Pilots, Sailing Directions, Fleet Guides and OtherPublications.