TIMEZERO Furuno Sounder Module
- Price
- $1,500
TIMEZERO Furuno Sounder Module
Furuno Digital Filter sounder equipment already provides you with industry-leading fish-finding technology, but advancements in both the hardware and software have opened up access to additional sounder features. Your Furuno fishing sounder can now be used to capture and display a current sounder echogram, Accu-Fish reports, and bottom discrimination all in a dedicated window.
The Sounder module can be connected to a compatible sounder for total control over Furuno fish finders. Connections can be done directly or with the use of NavNet 3D equipment. Compatible Furuno fish finder models include the:
- Furuno DFF1
- Furuno DFF3
- Furuno FCV1150
- Furuno DFF1-UHD
- Furuno BBDS1
Combining the Furuno Sounder module with any of these Digital Filter fish finders creates the perfect mix of technology and data analysis to show you details on what's happening beneath the surface, down to the last fish.
Furuno's proprietary Accu-Fish algorithm uses digital auto-tuning to analyze echo data and display the sizes of individual fish right in your Sounder and Nav workspace. Preserve your efforts and equipment for catches that are truly worth your time with the Accu-Fish feature unlocked through the Furuno Sound module.
Full Echogram Display
Furuno Digital Filter finders leverage industry-leading filtering capabilities to remove irrelevant noise that other sounders may confuse for individual fish. Now your TZ Professional software can use this data to create full echograms that are recorded for up to three minutes, allowing you to compare echoes along your route.
The Furuno Sounder module uses its own workspace to allow for simultaneous viewing of the plotter and sounder, all with a constantly updating A-scope view. Customize each display to show the most pertinent information and reduce screen clutter when you only need specific sets of data.
Saving locations and structures that ping your sounder is as simple as double-clicking the space to have a pin dropped directly on the chart to be returned to later. For real-time marking, creating a new event is the easiest option as it captures your craft's current location to instantly place a new chart pin while you continue to monitor the echogram.
Bottom Discrimination Windows
The seafloor is anything but flat, and the Furuno Sounder module brings a bottom discrimination display directly into your TIMEZERO workspace. Analyzing the bottom hardness of a location reveals much about the composition of the particles found in any given location. Certain seabeds are hotspots for fish activity and the Furuno Sounder module can display and categorize sand, gravel, rock, and mud seabeds along with a discrimination value that details how confident the system is with any given set of data.
Bottom localization technology found in compatible sounders can be interpreted by TIMEZERO to display bottom components and apply location tags. Your TZ Professional workspace can then record the location along with depth and GPS coordinate values. Gray-scale and color coding displays isolate the hardness of bottom components based on hardness, from mud up to rock. Changes to different seabeds can be tracked based on the species you're after to predict movement and migration.