Colección: 47 CFR: Telecommunications

Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 47) contains U.S. federal regulations for telecommunications. The CFR contains 50 volumes that contain the rules and regulations that comprise administrative law for departments and agencies of the U.S. federal government.

CFR 47 covering telecommunications is available in five volumes. Volumes 1 - 5 each contain portion of chapter I. Additionally, volume 5 contains chapters II, III and IV.

Volume 1 covers parts 0 - 19 and is administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It covers topics, such as preserving the open Internet, wireless emergency alerts, the emergency alert system (EAS), commercial radio operators, access to advanced communications services by people with disabilities and radio frequency devices.

Volume 2 covers parts 20 - 39 and is administered by the FCC. It covers topics, such as commercial mobile services, public mobile services, personal communications services, satellite communications and uniform systems of accounts for telecommunications companies.

Volume 3 covers parts 40 - 69 and is administered by the FCC. It covers topics, such as preservation of records of communication common carriers, reports of communication common carriers and certain affiliates, universal service and tariffs.

Volume 4 covers parts 70 - 79 and is administered by the FCC. It covers topics, such as radio broadcast services, experimental radio, auxiliary, special broadcast, and other program distribution services, multichannel video and cable television service and accessibility of video programming.

Volume 5 covers parts 80 - 199 an is administered by the FCC, the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Security Council, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the Department of Commerce, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation. It covers topics, such as stations in the maritime services, aviation services, personal radio services, national security and emergency preparedness, planning and execution, procedures for the use and coordination of the radio spectrum during a wartime emergency, manual of regulations and procedures for federal radio frequency management and relocation and spectrum sharing by federal government stations.

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5 productos
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CFR Title 47: Parts 0-19 - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
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CFR Title 47: Parts 20-39 - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
A partir de $24.95
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CFR Title 47: Parts 40-69 - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
A partir de $20.95
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CFR Title 47: Parts 70-79 - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
A partir de $20.95
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CFR Title 47: Parts 80-End - Telecommunications (Code of Federal Regulations), Revised as of October 1, 2023
A partir de $25.95
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