USCG Exam Study Materials

Mariners seeking USCG deck certification are required to complete the USCG deck exam, in addition to service at sea, hands-on training and successful demonstration of applicable skills. Deck officer endorsements that are required to be examined are outlined in Title 46 of the Code of Federal of Regulations (CFR) Chapter 1 Subchapter B Part 11.

Exam candidates are permitted, and recommended, to bring the following list of materials into the examination room, with the exception of the Rules of the Road module. 

Provided by the USCG Deck and Engineering Guide for the Administration of Merchant Marine Examinations (August 2014).

Murphy's Deck Officer Study Guides
USCG Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook
Marine Education Textbooks
Merchant Marine Exam Training
Nautical Instruments
Code of Federal Regulations
Flip Cards
Plotting Sheets
Maneuvering Board
Great Circle Sailing Charts
Useful Reference Publications
U.S. Coast Pilots
Marine Engineering Workbooks
NOAA Nautical Training Charts