
Mariners from all backgrounds in the maritime industry can browse through our selection of nautical books to find what they need. As a specialized maritime bookstore of everything nautical, we stock a wide range of nautical books from reputable publishers such as Witherby Seamanship, NOAA, IMO, NGA, and the UKHO among others. These publishers produce publications that cover topics such as marine training, navigation, operations, domestic and international maritime regulations. They are some of the most useful and widely recognized publications in the maritime industry.

In addition to our wide selection of maritime books we stock an inclusive line of Code of Federal Regulations volumes that pertain to the maritime industry. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a twelve-month codification of all universal and permanent laws published in the Federal Register by the agencies and executive departments of the federal government. The CFR presents the official and complete text of U.S. rules and regulations for the transport of hazardous materials by sea and marine operations shore-side and on ships. The CFR provides a comprehensive reference for all mariners and other interested parties.

Ship owners and managers responsible with navigation and publication provisions for SOLAS class commercial ships will find the required publications addressed by the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee from the International Maritime Organization (See MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2).These publications include but not limited to radio signals, tide tables, almanacs, International Code of Signals, ISM Code, IAMSAR Manual, and more. 

Recreational sailors will enjoy browsing our selection of marine books on boating topics such as navigation, seamanship, cruising, maintenance,  and much more. While sailing requires great skill and seamanship it is a great experience to those who have a passion for it. Start off your next sailing voyage with a few complete marine reference books from American Nautical Services; and little by little you'll become familiar with boating skills and techniques which will help you enjoy sailing for many years to come.

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Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
Flag State Regulations
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Cruising Guides
U.S. Government Publications
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Anchoring & Mooring
Atlas, Dictionaries, & Encyclopedias
Barge & Offshore Operations
Basic Documents and Resolutions
British Admiralty Publications
Bulk Carrier & Tanker Operations
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Facilitation for Travel Transport
Fire & Safety Plans
Hazardous Materials
IMO Model Courses
Janes Maritime Publications
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Marine Environment Protection
Marine Law, Insurance, & Economics
Marine Surveying
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Nautical Almanacs
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Ship Building, Buying, & Maintenance
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