Over 18,000 official Electronic Navigational Charts
The Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) offers over 15,800 Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) from hydrographic offices worldwide. It is the most robust and comprehensive digital maritime chart service globally. Charts are available in value-added packages that are quality assured by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO.)

ADMIRALTY Vector chart service (avcs)
Official ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service Coverage:
For most major shipping routes, crews using ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service may navigate with electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) for their entire voyage.
Included are ENCs covering the waters of United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Malacca Strait, Taiwan and over 2,900 other important ports. Additionally, Admiralty provides unique coverage for over 200 ports. All ships using ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service receive a UKHO certificate, which confirms that all ENCs using AVCS satisfy the chart carriage requirements of SOLAS Chapter V.
Advantages of Using ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service:
• A value-added service featuring official, hydrographic office-issued ENC digital charts in a comprehensive package.
• Coverage of routes and ports around the globe: more than any competing ENC service.
• Included, at no extra cost, with AVCS, is the Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO.) The AIO alerts bridge crews to areas of possible navigational risk and provides detailed information about any uncertainties. The AIO displays all UKHO Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners and ENC Preliminary Notices to Mariners in a window that opens above ENC on the ECDIS display.
• Certificates are issued, which aid in Port State Control inspection compliance.
• Weekly ENC updates via e-mail, online or shipped CD or DVD..
Included in ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service:
• Our SPICA e-Navigator passage planning software if needed.
• A three month trial subscription with Admiralty Digital Publications.
The UKHO is the world’s leading hydrographic body and is renowned for its quality assurance standards. Admiralty Digital Publications are exact digital replications of physical UKHO publications. The ADP library has been assembled and all information thorough checked for accuracy by a team of leading experts in the hydrographic field.

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SPICA e-Navigator is an advanced marine data software solution designed to give vessels, shipping companies, engineers and consultants the most simple and efficient route-planning experience. The intelligent software provides individual vessels unique control of each voyage and promotes greater fleet optimization through improved passage planning, monitoring, analysis and communication capabilities.
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