This pocket illustrated boating dictionary in nine languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Portuguese and Greek--core European sailing destinations) covers all the topics and terms boaters will need to refer to when abroad.
The pocket dictionary is centered around clear, color, annotated diagrams, such as parts of the rig and engine, in each nautical subject area, and makes it very easy and convenient to translate between nine languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Portuguese and Greek). The diagrams can easily be used to show someone what is meant (or what is broken!) without having to worry about the language barrier. It covers general terms, such as 'port' and 'starboard', as well as technical words relating to engine and rigging repair and maintenance. Other topics include navigation, weather, seamanship, requesting help, medical emergencies, safety equipment, numbers and time.
Whether you need to ask for a berth, a spare part or where the nearest chandlery or supermarket is, this book will help you make yourself understood, quickly and efficiently, which makes this dictionary a vital part of your cruising kit. Whether you're a keen offshore sailor, motorboater or even an armchair boating enthusiast, Reeds 9-Language Handbook is a handy reference tool that will help expand both your ability to communicate and your horizons.