Title 49 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) contains all US regulations dealing with Transportation in the United States. The Title is organized into nine volumes, and the regulations it contains are authored by various components of the Departments of Transportation and Homeland Security. Most notably, 49 CFR contains the US Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR) in Parts 100-177.
<tdalign="right" valign="top">IV <tdalign="right" valign="top">400-499 <tdvalign="top"> Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
Title |
Volume |
Chapter |
Browse Parts |
Regulatory Entity |
Title 49 Transportation |
Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary of Transportation |
1 |
1-99 |
Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary of Transportation |
Subtitle B—Other Regulations Relating to Transportation |
2 |
I |
100-177 |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation |
3 |
178-199 |
4 |
II |
200-299 |
Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation |
5 |
300-399 |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation |
6 |
V |
500-571 |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation |
7 |
572-599 |
VI |
600-699 |
Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation |
700-799 |
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) |
800-999 |
National Transportation Safety Board |
8 |
X |
1000-1199 |
Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation |
9 |
1200-1399 |
XI |
[Reserved] |
1500-1699 |
Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security |
This eighth volume contains transportation regulations authored by the Surface Transportation Board:
Chapter X—Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
- Subchapter A—General Rules and Regulations
- Parts 1000-1019 - General Provisions
- Part 1000 - [Reserved]
- Part 1001 - Inspection of Records
- Part 1002 - Fees
- Part 1003 - Forms
- Part 1004 - Interpretations and Routing Regulations
- Part 1005 - Principles and Practices for the Investigation and Voluntary Disposition of Loss and Damage Claims and Processing Salvage
- Part 1007 - Records Containing Information About Individuals
- Part 1011 - Board Organization; Delegations of Authority
- Part 1012 - Meetings of the Board
- Part 1013 - Guidelines for the Proper Use of Voting Trusts
- Part 1014 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Surface Transportation Board
- Part 1016 - Special Procedures Governing the Recovery of Expenses by Parties to Board Adjudicatory Proceedings
- Part 1017 - Debt Collection: Collection by Offset from Indebted Government and Former Government Employees
- Part 1018 - Debt Collection
- Part 1019 - Regulations Governing Conduct of Surface Transportation Board Employees
- Parts 1021-1029 - Enforcement
- Part 1021 - Administrative Collection of Enforcement Claims
- Parts 1030-1039 - Carriers Subject to Part I, Interstate Commerce Act
- Part 1033 - Car Service
- Part 1034 - Routing of Traffic
- Part 1035 - Bills of Lading
- Part 1037 - Bulk Grain and Grain Products: Loss and Damage Claims
- Part 1039 - Exemptions
- Parts 1040-1089 - [Reserved]
- Parts 1090-1099 - Intermodal Transportation
- Part 1090 - Practices of Carriers Involved in the Intermodal Movement of Containerized Freight
- Subchapter B—Rules of Practice
- Part 1100-1129 - Rules of General Applicability
- Part 1100 - General Provisions
- Part 1101 - Definitions and Construction
- Part 1102 - Communications
- Part 1103 - Practitioners
- Part 1104 - Filing With the Board-Copies-Verification-Service-Pleadings, Generally
- Part 1105 - Procedures for Implementation of Environmental Laws
- Part 1106 - Procedures for Surface Transportation Board Consideration of Safety Integration Plans in Cases Involving Railroad Consolidations, Mergers, and Acquisitions of Control
- Part 1107 - [Reserved]
- Part 1108 - Arbitration of Certain Disputes Subject to the Statutory Jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board
- Part 1109 - Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Board Proceedings and Those in Which the Board Is a Party
- Part 1110 - Procedures Governing Informal Rulemaking Proceedings
- Part 1111 - Complaint and Investigation Procedures
- Part 1112 - Modified Procedures
- Part 1113 - Oral Hearing
- Part 1114 - Evidence; Discovery
- Part 1115 - Appellate Procedures
- Part 1116 - Oral Argument Before the Board
- Part 1117 - Petitions (for Relief) Not Otherwise Covered
- Part 1118 - Procedures in Informal Proceedings Before Employee Boards
- Part 1119 - Compliance With Board Decisions
- Part 1120 - Use of 1977-1978 Study of Motor Carrier Platform Handling Factors
- Part 1121 - Rail Exemption Procedures
- Parts 1122-1129 - [Reserved]
- Parts 1130-1149 - Rate Procedures
- Part 1130 - Informal Complaints
- Part 1132 - Protests Requesting Suspension and Investigation of Collective Ratemaking Actions
- Part 1133 - Recovery of Damages
- Part 1135 - Railroad Cost Recovery Procedures
- Part 1139 - Procedures in Motor Carrier Revenue Proceedings
- Part 1141 - Procedures to Calculate Interest Rates
- Part 1144 - Intramodal Rail Competition
- Part 1146 - Expedited Relief for Service Emergencies
- Part 1147 - Temporary Relief Under 49 U.S.C. 10705 and 11102 for Service Inadequacies
- Parts 1148-1149 - [Reserved]
- Parts 1150-1174 - licensing Procedures
- Parts 1150-1159 - Rail licensing Procedures
- Part 1150 - Certificate to Construct, Acquire, or Operate Railroad lines
- Part 1151 - Feeder Railroad Development Program
- Part 1152 - Abandonment and Discontinuance of Rail lines and Rail Transportation Under 49 U.S.C. 10903
- Part 1155 - Solid Waste Rail Transfer Facilities
- Parts 1156-1176 - [Reserved]
- Parts 1177-1199 - Finance Procedures
- Parts 1177-1179 - Securities, Security Interests and Financial Structures
- Part 1177 - Recordation of Documents
- Parts 1178-1179 - [Reserved]
- Parts 1180-1189 - Combinations and Ownership
- Part 1180 - Railroad Acquisition, Control, Merger, Consolidation Project, Trackage Rights, and Lease Procedures
- Part 1182 - Purchase, Merger, and Control of Motor Passenger Carriers
- Part 1184 - Motor Carrier Pooling Operations
- Part 1185 - Interlocking Officers
- Parts 1187-1199 - [Reserved]