IGC Code, 2016 Edition

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Media e-Reader
Language English
Publisher International Maritime Organization
ISBN 9789280116311 9789280131376

The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage, by sea in bulk, of liquefied gases and certain other substances that are listed in chapter 19. Through consideration of the products carried, it prescribes the design and construction standards of the ships involved and the equipment they should carry to minimize the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment.


Gas carriers constructed after July 1, 1986 and before July 1, 2016 should have a copy of the 1993 edition with all the supplements in addition to the 2016 edition, unless copies of national regulations incorporating the provisions of the IGC Code are provided on board ship, in which case the IMO publication of the IGC Code need not be carried on board. All new builds constructed after July  1, 2016 will require a copy of the 2016 edition of the IGC Code on board ship. Administrations may also choose to have a copy of the 2016 edition of the IGC Code for reference.

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