The Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas) is the definitive industry best practice guidance for gas carrier operators, and a carriage requirement under the national regulations of many flag States. It is strongly recommended that a copy of the completely revised third edition is carried on board every ship engaged in the transportation of liquefied gas by sea. The fully revised third edition (350 A4 pages with illustrations) replaces and supersedes the previous 1995 edition.
Properties and Hazards of Liquefied Gases
General Precautions
Safety Management
Transportation of Liquefied Gas
Fire Hazards and Precautions
Cargo Operations
Cargo Equipment
Enclosed Spaces
Emergency Planning
Cargo Data Sheets
Re-liquefaction and Boil-Off Control
Cargo Handling Plant and Equipment
Cargo System Instrumentation
Dry docking and Repair Periods
Basic Thermodynamic Theory
Pressure Surge Effects
Ship/Shore Safety Checklist
Liquefied Gas Cargo Information Form
Personal Protective Equipment Matrix
Inhibited Cargo Certificate
Hot Work Permit
Enclosed Space Entry Permit
Includes strong loose-leaf ring binder and cargo data sheets, plus access to an electronic version with search function.
Title: Tanker Safety Guide: Liquefied Gas (eBook)
Edition: Third
Product Code: MA1011EA
ISBN: 978-1-8380784-9-2