Large-diameter pipes for today's sophisticated energy and water industries are now expensive, precision-engineered pieces of cargo that need to be handled with utmost care. Given their often substantial size and relatively low weight they tend to be carried on the decks of cargo ships rather than in the holds, which exposes ship owners to considerably higher risk from damage and loss claims.
The main causes of such claims are inadequate or inappropriate stowage and securing, which this guide sets out to address. It, explains why these methods must not be combined and stresses the importance of regularly tending to securing arrangements during the voyage. It also provides worked examples showing how all three securing methods can be properly verified using the advanced calculation method from the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing. The guide is intended to be used in conjunction with "Cargo Stowage and Securing - A Guide to Good Practice", also by Charles Bliault.
Applicable regulations
Characteristics of pipes
Before loading begins
Stowage of pipes
Securing of pipes
Worked examples
Ensuring a compact block
Protection of pipes
Construction of stanchions
Care of the securing arrangements
I Advanced calculation method
II Verification of securing alternatives for deck-stowed pipes – worked examples
There have been a number of losses or part losses over the last few years of blocks of pipes stowed on deck, principally on the hatch covers. Much consideration has been given to the reasons for those losses and ways by which such stowages may be adequately secured for the rigours of an ocean voyage.
The losses have resulted from one or a combination of the following:
inadequacy of securing arrangements
inappropriate combination of securing systems
severely adverse weather and sea conditions.
Before looking at the various technical aspects associated with securing a cargo of deckstowed pipes, the composition and vulnerabilities of the cargo should be studied. Large-diameter pipes shipped by sea on deck are, in most cases, not simply pieces of break-bulk but are highly sensitive, even delicate, and valuable items.
The pipes are often manufactured from special high-alloy steel with great precision, are tested to withstand high pressures, have ends finished to comply with a specification (bevelled, threaded, etc.) and are usually coated internally and externally with varnish, paint or cement (Fig. 1).
Any damage to the ends or coating is likely to result in rejection of the pipe or high costs resulting from refurbishment. As such, large diameter pipes are best stowed under deck, and nothing in this book should be interpreted as encouraging a decision in favour of the shipment of pipes on deck.
Title: Deck Stowage and Securing of Pipes
Edition: Second
Number of Pages: 32
Product Code: WS1708K
Published Date: August 2019
Weight: 0.60 kg
Author: The North of England P&I Association Ltd