This new 9th edition of the Explorer Chartbook Far Bahamas brings you the most up-to-date charts and cruising guide information for the islands stretching from Eleuthera to the Turks and Caicos. Every chart and each settlement’s Need-to-Know Info has been revised and updated so that you can confidently explore the outer reaches of the Bahamian/TCI archipelago.
Covers Eleuthera, Little San Salvador, Cat Island, Conception Island, Rum Cay, San Salvador, Long Island, Crooked Island, Long Cay, Acklins Island, Samana Cay, Mayaguana, Inagua and Turks & Caicos
Tide Tables 2024
91 cruiser-friendly Explorer Charts
Overview Planning Chart of the Bahamas
(8) Small Scale charts
(11) Medium Scale charts
(49) Large Scale charts
(21) Closeup charts
Chart Detail:
Notes on "Joins page..."
Chart page overlaps
Extensive hydrographic and topographical features to scale, plus road maps for land travel
Updated variation on compass roses
New and corrected hydrographic data
Shaded depth contours
1/10-minute grid and border scales
On-scene GPS waypoints and routes
Printed on water- and tear-resistant material
The most up-to-date and complete source of information on services and facilities (Need-to-Know Info)
Latest table of recommended marinas and services for all of the Bahamas
Special Articles including:
Far Bahamas History and Description
Customs and Immigration
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Flight Services
Bahamas National Parks
Waypoint List
Father Jerome
Cruising the Bight of Acklins
Negotiating the Columbus Bay Reef
The Samana Debate
Turks and Caicos History and Description
Turks and Caicos Help Menu