This book covers the stages to be undertaken during the preparation of a passage plan. It outlines the necessary steps of appraisal, planning, execution and monitoring and will be of use to all members of the bridge team, regardless of skill, knowledge and experience. Techniques to prepare and conduct the proposed passage are presented clearly and concisely so that all members can understand them.
The two books ‘Passage Planning Practice’ and ‘Passage Planning Principles’ both by Abdul Khalique and Capt. Nadeem Anwar, together provide a comprehensive, easy to follow guide and an excellent set of standards to be worked through. By providing check-lists and a fully worked example, the authors have created a guide that builds upon the sound principles of passage planning, that can be used in a real-life situation, providing a much needed ‘job based’ training aid.
Chapter 1 Passage Planning
1.1 Planning Principles
1.2 Planning Stages
1.2.1 Step 1 Voyage Instructions
1.2.2 Step 2 Confirmation of Destination
1.2.3 Step 3 - Appraisal
1.2.4 Step 4 Planning
1.2.5 Step 5 Execution
1.2.6 Step 6 - Monitoring
Check-list Summary
Chapter 2 Passage Planning with ECDIS
2.1 Chart Selection
2.2 Manoeuvring Data
2.3 Route Planning
2.4 Safety Zones
2.5 Berthing Plans
2.6 Ocean Routes
2.7 Navigational Notes
2.8 Monitoring
Chapter 3 Planning Toolbox
3.1 Wheel-over
3.2 Position Fixing Frequency
3.3 Abort and Point of No Return
3.4 Under Keel Clearance (UKC)
3.5 Squat
3.6 Landfall
3.7 Changing Charts
3.8 Ship's Profile and Datum Shift
3.9 Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)
3.10 Anchor Plan
3.11 Radar Horizon
3.12 Use of Tidal Streams
3.12.1 Tidal Stream Tables
3.12.2 Tidal Streams Atlases
3.12.3 Tidal Diamonds
3.12.4 Harmonic Constants
3.12.5 Software
3.13 Tidal Predictions
Chapter 4 Monitoring Techniques
4.1 Parallel Indexing (PI)
4.1.1 Cross Index Range (CIR) Method
4.1.2 Bearing and Range Method Straight Index Lines
4.1.3 Bearing and Range Method Curved Index Lines
4.1.4 Use of VRM
4.2 Precautions with Parallel Indexing
4.3 Visual Monitoring Techniques
4.3.1 Clearing Marks
4.3.2 Vertical Danger Angle
4.3.3 Horizontal Danger Angle
4.3.4 Clearing Bearings
4.3.5 Sector Lights
4.3.6 Leading Lights / Marks
Appendix 1 Passage Planning Guidelines/Regulations
Appendix 2 Passage Plan Check-list
Appendix 3 Chartwork Legends
Appendix 4 Passage Plan Note Book
Appendix 5 Passage Plan Sheet
Title: Passage Planning Principles 2nd Edition
Product Code: WS1675K
Published Date: December 2019
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 300 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Book Spine: 5 mm
Author: Abdul Khalique