Short Overview
The "COLREGs Macneil's Seamanship Examiner Pocket Book" study guide, a comprehensive four-volume set, provides an in-depth exploration of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS). Designed for both individual and collaborative learning, these volumes utilize a self-study Question and Answer (Q&A) format, making complex maritime regulations accessible and understandable.
The volumes are presented in a self study Q&A format covering the following key topics:
Navigation lights
COLREGs / visual collision situations
COLREGs / situations with radar
These four volumes of Q&As for OOW, Chief Mate and Master levels are suitable for both self-assessment and group study.
Detailed Overview
With over 500 self-assessment questions and answers, this guide provides ample opportunity for learners to test their knowledge and solidify their understanding. The inclusion of color images and diagrams further enhances the learning experience, offering visual aids to clarify complex concepts. This user-friendly approach makes the "COLREGs" study guide an ideal reference tool for anyone preparing for maritime examinations at the Officer of the Watch (OOW), Chief Mate, and Master levels. Whether used for individual study or group discussions, these volumes offer a structured and effective pathway to mastering the IRPCS and ensuring safe navigation at sea..
Volume I
1. Navigation Lights
Volume II
2. Visual Collision Situations
Volume III
3. Radar Situations
4. IALA Buoyage
Volume IV
6. COLREGs Rule 10: TSSs
7. COLREGs Rule 19
8. COLREGs (Chief Mate/Master)
Number of Pages: 186
Book Height: 180 mm
Book Width: 200 mm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Publication Date: March 2025
Author: Witherbys