Egyptian Navy Hydrographic Department: Suez Canal Chart SC1, 2nd Edition, Dated August 2016

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Publisher Egyptian Navy Hydrographic Department
Retiro no disponible actualmente en 3311 S. Andrews Ave.

Following the establishment of the New Suez Canal, the Suez Canal Authority along with Egyptian Navy Hydrographic Department have produced two charts to help mariners sail safely in the New Suez Canal.

These are: 
- SC1, Suez Canal, (Edition 2, dated August 2016)
- SC2, Suez Canal, (Edition 1, dated 15th July 2015)

Accordingly, sailing in the Suez Canal and vessel inspection will be performed only through charts SC1 and SC2 and no vessel will pass Suez Canal without the above charts being on board starting 06 August 2015. 

The above information has also been included in UKHO Admiralty Notice to Mariner Weekly Edition 31, published on UKHO website on 20 July 2015, Pages 2.44 & 2.45.

Suez Canal Port Said to Great Bitter Lake

  • Panel A. Port Suez (Bur Said) to El Tina (Km 0 to Km 33) 40,000
  • Panel B. El Cap to Al Ballah (Km 28 to Km 57) 40,000
  • Panel C. New Expansion Channel (Km 52 to Km 98) 40,000
  • Panel D. Al Temsah Lake (Buhayrat Al Yemsah) 40,000

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