This edition of South and East Coasts of Korea Pilot (NP 43) in the British Admiralty Sailing Directions series.
About Admiralty Sailing Directions (ASD)
Often referred to as Pilots, Sailing Directions are designed for use by the merchant mariner on all classes of ocean-going vessels with essential information on all aspects of navigation. Sailing Directions are complementary to Standard Nautical Charts and provide worldwide coverage in 74 volumes.
Each publication contains quality color photography and views, as well as information on navigational hazards, buoyage, meteorological data, details of pilotage, regulations, port facilities and guides to major port entry.
New Editions of Admiralty Sailing Directions are published on a regular basis. Navigationally significant information for these publications is issued via the Admiralty Notices to Mariners weekly bulletin (Section IV).

e-NP Additional Information
ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENPs) are official ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications available as e-books, accessed only using our ADMIRALTY e-Readers 1.3 and 1.4 or on the AENP Integrated Viewer. Easy to use and update, they bring improved efficiency, accuracy and access to information bridge officers need.
Weekly Notices to Mariners applied accurately in seconds to ensure ongoing safety and compliance.
90 official ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications available in an electronic format. The range includes Sailing Directions (Pilots), Ocean Passages for the World, the Nautical Almanac, the Mariner’s Handbook and many more.
Approved for use by the Flag States of over 80% of ships trading internationally, with clear display of NM updates to aid inspections.
Fast and accurate NM updates
AENPs are updatable, electronic versions of official ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications such as Sailing Directions (Pilots) and the Nautical Almanac. This means that bridge crews can download and apply electronic weekly Notices to Mariners (NMs) updates to publications in just a few seconds every week, improving efficiency and accuracy on board during passage planning tasks.
Easier access to important information
Simple search functionality gives users quick access to important planning information. The AENP Viewer snapshot function helps bridge crews to view, save and print AENP pages as well as any applicable NMs and addendums, which can be used to support passage planning.