Detailed Overview
Dr. Verwey's Tank Cleaning Guide offers cleaning proposals for commonly transported bulk liquid cargoes. It covers:
- Annex II noxious cargoes and Annex I oil cargoes as regulated by the MARPOL convention
- Cleaning procedures for Annex II cargoes, which often present challenges due to differing chemical properties and high purity requirements of subsequent loads
- Clean and Dirty Petroleum Products (CPP and DPP), including special cases like aircraft fuel and low-sulphur content fuels
- Guidance for transitioning from Black cargoes to clean cargoes (DPP to CPP)
This edition includes important updates:
- Revised cleaning procedures in line with the latest HM50 guidelines from the Energy Institute
- Expanded product coverage to address evolving industry requirements
- Enhanced cleaner descriptions providing more detailed information
The guide provides reliable, practical recommendations for a wide range of cleaning tasks, helping ensure compliance with regulations and maintaining cargo integrity.
It serves as a valuable resource for maritime professionals dealing with tank cleaning operations.
Part 1: Introduction and Tank Cleaning Knowledge
How to use the FROM - TO cleaning
Planning of tank cleaning
Physical properties of the cargoes
Cargo Characteristics
Required cleanliness standard of the cargo to be loaded (next cargo)
Available Equipment
Surrounding Conditions
Pipelines, Valves etc.
Tank Cleaning Recipe
Method description
Additional methods not mentioned in cleaning procedures
Cleaning additives
Tank Inspection and Testing
Wall Wash Procedure
Wall Wash Tests
Part 2: FROM - TO cleaning and Cargo Details
FROM - TO cleaning
Cleaning Procedures
Cargo Details
Number of Pages: 587
Published Date: November 2024
Book Height: 300 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Author: ChemServe GmbH
Weight: 2.2 kg
IMPA Code: 370689 (37 06 89)