Ballast Water Management: Understanding the Regulations, Treatment Technologies and Practical Operation, 15th Edition 2024

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Media Book
SKU 9781917308106
Publisher Witherby Seamanship International
ISBN 9781914993640
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Short Overview

The 15th edition has been fully revised to reflect current requirements in the management of ballast water since ratification of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention).

To assist ship owners with BWM Convention compliance, the book sets out national and international ballast water legislation as well as Port State Control and ship administration requirements.

It includes valuable practical considerations relating to Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) selection, installation/retrofitting, onboard operation (including dealing with challenging water quality), maintenance, monitoring and reporting.

Detailed Overview

As of 8th September 2024, all ships to which the BWM Convention applies, must comply with the Convention's ballast water discharge standard (D-2). For most ships, this will involve installing and operating a BWMS on board. This comprehensive publication provides up-to-date guidance on BWM regulations, operations and equipment options. It is a valuable, single-point source of information for ship owners and operators.

In addition, the publication looks in detail at the various treatment systems and technologies, significant components and the implications for onboard operation, maintenance and contingency measures. With the end of the installation window for fitting a BWMS to existing ships, there will be a shift from retrofitting to installing on newbuilds and fulfilling maintenance contracts. However, retrofit experience will remain important as there will be a growing market for fully or partly replacing older (legacy) BWMS or systems that are not operating properly.

The book also provides an extensive set of data sheets on BWMS that have been type approved through the BWM Convention testing procedures. These summarise the treatment technology, type approval certification and system design limitations (SDL), so that ship owners can evaluate different systems and make an informed decision before purchasing. It is particularly important to know the SDL of a BWMS since these are the conditions and parameters under which the system is approved to operate.

The Appendices contain an updated list of IMO Guidance Documents for the BWM Convention. They also describe key invasive species and illustrate native and invasive geographic ranges. A set of technical diagrams is also provided showing an example technical layout of a BWMS.

Contents Listing


Part One - Introduction and Regulations
Chapter One - Introduction
1.1 Ballast Water
1.2 The Timeline for Legislation
1.3 The Ship as a Carrier
1.4 Aquatic Species
1.5 Pathogens
1.6 Age of Ballast Water
1.7 Ballast Tank Configuration
1.8 Biofouling

Chapter Two - IMO Regulations
2.1 States Contracting to the BWM Convention
2.2 Application of the BWM Convention
2.3 The IMO Approval Process
2.4 Same Risk Area (SRA) Concept (the Management of Risk)
2.5 Temporary Storage of Grey Water/Treated Sewage in Ballast Tanks
2.6 The Schedule for Compliance
2.7 Transparency and Effectiveness of G8 Type Approval
2.8 Port State Control Procedures for Sampling and Analysis
2.9 Ballast Water Management Manual - How to do it

Chapter Three - Local and Regional Regulations 37
3.1 Americas
3.2 Europe
3.3 United Kingdom
3.4 Asia and the Middle East
3.5 Oceania
3.6 Polar Waters

Chapter Four - Alternatives to Using a BWMS On Board 53
4.1 Port Reception Facilities
4.2 Contingency Measures
4.3 Port-based BW Treatment
4.4 Sediment Control

Part Two - Implementation of Regulations
Chapter Five - Port State Authorities and Port State Control
5.1 Port State Requirements
5.2 Existing Conditions
5.3 Notification
5.4 Inspection, Monitoring and Enforcement

Chapter Six - The Financial Implications of BWM Legislation
6.1 Cost of Compliance
6.2 Cost of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS)
6.3 Issues and Costs for BWMS Manufacturers
6.4 Cost of Ballast Water Exchange (BWE)

Part Three - Treatment Systems and Operation
Chapter Seven - Introduction to Treatment Technologies
7.1 Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) Requirements
7.2 The Evolution of BWMS

Chapter Eight - Physical Separation, Thermal, Ultraviolet and Plasma Technologies
8.1 Physical Separation
8.2 Heat Treatment Technology
8.3 Ultraviolet Radiation/Advanced Oxidation Technology
8.4 Plasma Technology

Chapter Nine - Deoxygenation, Magnetic and Ultrasonic/Cavitation Technologies
9.1 Deoxygenation/Supersaturation Technology
9.2 Magnetic/Electric Field Technology
9.3 Ultrasonic and Hydrodynamic Cavitation Technology

Chapter Ten - Chemical, Biocide and Electrochemical Technologies
10.1 Chemical and Biocide Technology
10.2 Electrochemical Technology

Part Four - Practical Installation and Retrofitting Considerations
Chapter Eleven - Choosing a BWMS
11.1 Making the Decision

Chapter Twelve - The Design Stage (Feasibility Study and 3D Scan)
12.1 Retrofit Planning
12.2 Retrofitting - Feasibility Study
12.3 The 3D Scan
12.4 The Design Engineering Stage
12.5 The Role of Class
12.6 Selection of Retrofit Location

Chapter Thirteen - The Installation Process
13.1 Simplified Overview
13.2 Detailed Overview
13.3 Before Entering the Retrofit Facility
13.4 During the Stay in the Retrofit Facility
13.5 Departing the Retrofit Facility
13.6 Technical Installation and Retrofit Facility/Dry Dock Challenges

Chapter Fourteen - Commissioning of the BWMS
14.1 Delays in the Commissioning Process
14.2 IMO Commissioning Guidance
14.3 Other Considerations

Part Five - Operations
Chapter Fifteen - Ship Administration of BWM
15.1 The Ballast Water Management Plan
15.2 Duties of the Ballast Water Management Officer
15.3 Ballast Water Record Book
15.4 Surveys
15.5 Certification
15.6 Ballast Water Reporting
15.7 Training

Chapter Sixteen - Ballast Water Sampling/Monitoring
16.1 Monitoring Capability
16.2 Arrival Ballast Conditions
16.3 Monitoring Levels
16.4 Post-treatment Monitoring
16.5 Sampling
16.6 Sediment
16.7 Test Methods
16.8 Ballast Tank Entry

Chapter Seventeen - Maintenance and Operational Issues
17.1 Maintenance Issues
17.2 Operational Issues
17.3 Emergency/Contingency Measures

Chapter Eighteen - Challenging Water Quality (CWQ)
18.1 Regulatory Guidance
18.2 Operations
18.3 Records and Roles

Chapter Nineteen - Ballast Water Exchange (BWE)
19.1 BWE Operational Considerations
19.2 Sequential BWE Method
19.3 Flow-Through BWE Method
19.4 BWE Operations Checklists

PART SIX - BWMS Components and Data Sheets
Chapter Twenty - BW Systems with No Active Substances (G8)
BW Systems with No Active Substances Type Approved under the 2016 G8 Guidelines or the BWMS Code
20.1 Aquarius UV BWMS
20.2 ARA Plus+ BWMS
20.5 Blue Ocean Shield (BOS) BWMS
20.7 CompactClean BWMS
20.8 Cyeco BWMS
20.9 Evac Evolution BWMS
20.10 GloEn-Patrol 2.0 BWMS
20.13 LanghBW BWMS
20.14 Miura HK BWMS
20.15 NiBallast BWMS
20.16 NGT BWMS (previously MMC BWMS)
20.17 Optimarin Ballast System (OBS)
20.18 PACT
20.19 PureBallast 3.2 BWMS
20.20 Purestream BWMS
20.21 Seascape-BWMS
20.22 Semb-Eco LUV BWMS
20.23 SKF BlueSonic BWMS
20.24 TLC-BWM

Chapter Twenty-One: BW Systems using Active Substances (G9)
BW Systems using Active Substances Type Approved under the 2016 G8 Guidelines or the BWMS Code
21.1 Aquarius EC BWMS
21.2 AquaStar BWMS
21.4 BalClor BWMS
21.6 NK-O3 BlueBallast II Plus BWMS
21.7 CleanBallast-Ocean Barrier System (CB-OBS) BWMS
21.8 Ecochlor BWMS
21.9 EcoGuardian BWMS
21.11 Electro-Cleen System (ECS)
21.13 HiBallast BWMS
21.14 InTank BWTS
21.15 JFE BallastAce BWMS
21.17 OceanGuard BWMS
21.18 Oceansaver BWTS MKIIB
21.19 oneTANK BWMS
21.21 SeaCURE BWMS
21.22 Senza BWMS (previously known as KURITA BWMS)

Chapter Twenty-TWO - Approval Status of Systems
22.1 The BWM Convention

A1 Key Invasive Species
A2 IMO Guidance Documents for the BWM Convention
A3 Example Technical Layout of ERMA FIRST BWTS using a HYDAC RF Filter

Additional Information

Number of Pages: 408
Published Date: October 2024
Book Height: 297 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Author: Witherbys

ISBN: 978-1-914993-64-0
Weight: 2.3 kg

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