This guide has been a useful tool on the basic principles in daily chartering and other shipping transactions for over 30 years and serves as an indispensable checklist to refer to during your negotiations. The latest edition reflects recent legal developments and current commercial practice. It also includes a valuable new section on cyber security.
Most charter party related queries that are answered by BIMCO are about problems arising after a contract has been signed. Check Before Fixing is intended to be an essential tool for use before committing to a contract: after all, prevention is better than cure.'Check Before Fixing' provides you with comprehensive information and advice to help you avoid any pitfalls in your negotiations and understand the consequences of your commercial decisions.
Voyage chartering
Time chartering
Booking note
Bill of lading
Worth knowing
Ship operational requirements
Maritime security
Cyber security
The advantages of BIMCO membership
Title: Check Before Fixing 2017
Number of Pages: 380
Product Code: WS1543K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 9788790342623, ISBN 10: 8790342623
Published Date: May 2017
Weight: 0.70 kg