This publication contains guidelines to shipping companies on seven key health and safety topics; alcohol misuse, drug abuse, hepatitis, HIV and AIDS, smoking in the workplace, behavioural safety systems and violence, aggression, verbal abuse and threats against staff on passenger ships. The topics have been identified as important for the health, safety and welfare of seafarers and the shipboard working environment.
This publication contains guidelines to shipping companies on seven key health and safety topics. They have been reviewed regularly by the Committee and are fully up to date. Three of the subjects are specifically referred to in the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) as areas that competent authorities should address in their national guidelines for the management of occupational safety and health on board ships, whilst the guidelines on behavioural safety systems will be of interest in connection with company safety management systems. All the topics have been identified as important for the health, safety and welfare of seafarers and the shipboard working environment. Company policies on these subjects can contribute to the implementation of measures to ensure continuous improvement.
The social partners in the United Kingdom maritime industry have a long and proud history of co-operation in the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of seafarers. The UK Chamber of Shipping and the unions Nautilus International and the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers established the National Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Committee in 1990 to continue the joint work in the field undertaken by the National Maritime Board. The Committee’s collaborative approach and ability to respond promptly to matters of concern has led to the publication of timely and relevant guidelines on a diverse range of subjects. Shipping companies that have adopted or reviewed policies in the light of the guidelines have obtained the support of the unions and acceptance of the policies by seafarers.
1 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Alcohol Misuse
2 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Drug Abuse
3 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Hepatitis
4 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on HIV and AIDS
5 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Workplace Smoking Policies
6 Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Violence, Aggression,
Verbal Abuse and Threats Against Staff on Passenger Ships
Appendix 1 - Company Policy A
Appendix 2 - Company Policy B
Appendix 3 - Company Policy C
Appendix 4 - Master’s Power in Relation to Disruptive Passengers
Appendix 5 - A Memorandum of Understanding between the British Transport Police and Crown Prosecution Service, London - Staff Assaults
Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Behavioural Safety Systems
Appendix 1 - Gap analysis checklist
Appendix 2 - Unsafe act/unsafe condition report form
Appendix 3 - Observation card
Appendix 4 - Information for seafarers on behavioural safety systems
References and Useful Publications
This publication contains guidelines to shipping companies on seven key health and safety topics. They have been reviewed regularly by the Committee and are fully up to date.
Title: Guidelines to Shipping Companies on Health and Safety
Edition: First
Number of Pages: 100
Product Code: WS1496K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-696-6 (9781856096966), ISBN 10: 1-85609-696-3 (1856096963)
Published Date: October 2015
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 217 mm
Book Width: 155 mm
Book Spine: 10 mm
Weight: 0.50 kg
Author: UK Chamber of Shipping